Searches for Strongholds positioned so that the Portal is generated in a specific Chunk
To understand this Program, first watch this Youtube-Video from Crafterdark . This tool is not user friendly, it reads a file called log.txt and outputs file called output.txt . The log.txt should be formated
<seed> <protalFilledCount> <ChunkX> <ChunkZ>
as it is generated by Azelefs Portal-chunk-finder at . The output.txt file is formated the same way but contains Stronghold coordinates that generate thease Portals. If there are multiple Strongholds generating the Portal, there will be multiple lines in the output file. If there is none, the won't be a line in the output file. (both are possible).
Plese note that the code in this Reposetory is not completly written by me and contains some decompiled Minecraft code (Deopfusctation provided by MCP), that was then edited by me (basicly removing a lot of code from the files)