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J. A. Corbal edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the PynFact wiki!


PynFact is an static weblog generator with a goal of simplicity and just the needed features. This project was born out of necessity, to generate an static web site in a very minimalistic way, and with only the options that are required in order to accomplish that task.

Why this name?

Granted it will be used on the "web", the word "log" in Latin may be translated as INdicem FACTorum, hence InFact or -nFact to be more easily pronounceable when prepending the prefix py-, an indicator of the programming language where it has been developed. In essence, PynFact is saying: "In fact, a blog out of Python."

Also, pyblog, pyblic, pyweblog and many other cool names were already taken.


PynFact performs a small task and, therefore, there are no aspirations of being a huge project, but that doesn't mean that it's not going to be developed in an active way. Contributors are very much appreciated and always welcome.

If you find a bug (there are currently lots, since this is a early stage version), feel free to report it using the GitHub issue tracker for this project.

Check the list to see if some of your suggestions are already there, or bring that suggestion to my attention.

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