A public repo to allow checkin's of the Monthly Canton Software Craftsmanship group's mentorship program's programming challenges.
Monthly Challenge list:
StringSearching - https://www.codeeval.com/open_challenges/28/
Prefix Calculator - https://www.codeeval.com/open_challenges/7/
MineSweeper - https://www.codeeval.com/open_challenges/79/
RomanNumerals - https://www.codeeval.com/browse/106/ (for extra credit convert the resulting roman numeral back to int)
Please see the README.md in each challenge folder for challenge descriptions.
Here's a list of instructions to submit your solutions:
goto the repo in question in this case https://github.com/jaegerpicker/CantonSoftwareMentorship
click on the fork button this will take you to your account page with a fork of the above repo
2a. Signup for github if you don’t already have an account. (It’s worth the cost (free) and then some
Clone to your local computer git clone address should be https://github.com/<your_user_name>/CantonSoftwareMentorship
On your local computer make a dir in the repo, in the monthly folder for the challenge (for example 201306_StringSearching) Called <your_name>--- eg. ShawnCampbell-Month1-Python-StringSearching
Add your solution in that dir
using git at a command line: git add . in that dir or if you use a guy tool add all of your solution files to the local repo
commit local changes git commit -m “Commit message”
push change sets to the remote server: git push
open pull request on https://github.com/jaegerpicker/CantonSoftwareMentorship it will ask you where the pull should be from and that should be your fork of this repo.