Precompiles the HAML-JS templates into a function.
This can be used as a standalone template or as part of Rails 3.1 assets pipeline.
For example, if you have a file app/assets/javascripts/templates/comment.jst.hamljs
with the following content:
.author= author
.text= text
Then it will be compiled on the server side into a plain JavaScript function. It doesn't require you to do anything on the client side. And the result will look like this:
(function() {
this.JST || (this.JST = {});
this.JST["templates/comment"] = function (locals) { function html_escape(text) {
return (text + "").
replace(/&/g, "&").
replace(/</g, "<").
replace(/>/g, ">").
replace(/\"/g, """);
with(locals || {}) {
try {
var _$output="<div class=\"comment\"><div class=\"author\">" +
html_escape(author) +
"</div><div class=\"text\">" +
html_escape(text) +
return _$output; } catch (e) {
return "\n<pre class='error'>" + html_escape(e.stack) + "</pre>\n";
Then you access that template like so:
var commentView = JST['templates/comment'];
// ...
// Somewhere in your code later:
var html = commentView({author: 'Dima', text: 'Looks nice'});
# Gemfile
gem 'ruby-haml-js'
# Then install it
- Put your template unders
(or other path where Rails can find it). - Use the naming
. - Serve the template to browser by
require my-template
or link to it asmy-template.js
- Use the template from the JavaScript:
JST['my-template']({your: 'local', variables: 'go here'})
You can change the escape function from the built-in, autogenerated to your own:
# Set it somewhere, before generating the template.
# Good place can be a Rails initializer.
RubyHamlJs::Template.custom_escape = "App.escape_html"
This will use the given function and will not generate custom escape code inside each template. But you need to make sure that the function is defined before using the templates in JavaScript.
- Source hosted at GitHub
- Report issues and feature requests to GitHub Issues
Pull requests are very welcome! But please write the specs.
To start, clone the repo and then:
bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec/