WiFi Beehive measures the hive weight, humidity and temperature inside the hive and posts to the internet every 60 seconds. You can view the real-time data feed here: https://data.sparkfun.com/streams/wpbq2p0N1rig8WJZRWpO
The hive with the hacked bathroom scale underneath with humidity and temperature probe inside the hive.
This is the first version of the electronics which used the Particle Core.
The hardware design and firmware are released under Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0.
Feel free to use, distribute, and sell varients of WiFi Beehive. All I ask is that you include attribution of 'Based on the SparkFun WiFi Beehive'.
The WiFi Beehive firmware was created by Nathan Seidle, and is open source so please feel free to do anything you want with it; you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).
- /firmware
- WiFi_Beehive_Scale - Firmware that runs on the SparkFun Blynk Board
- WiFi_Controller - Old firmware that ran on a Particle Core. It worked fine but didn't have ability to integrate with Blynk as easily.