- transaction management (acid)
- with go channel
- acheive test coveage 100 %
- mocking (go mocking)
- testing (testify)
- aws service
- auth
- kubernetes basic
- ssl tls
- grpc basic
- postgres는 기본적으로 로컬 접속을 신뢰하기 때문에 password를 묻지않음
를 이용한 db migration-
- postgres container doesn’t enable SSL by default
migrate -path db/migration -database "postgresql://root:secret@localhost:5432/simple_bank?sslmode=disable" -verbose up
docker exec -it container_name /bin/sh
(표준 리눅스 쉘 cli commands 사용가능) -
makefile 이란
- Linux상에서 반복 적으로 발생하는 컴파일을 쉽게하기위해서 사용
- sqlx
- sqlx
- failure won't occur until runtime
- sqlc
- very fast and easy to use
- catch sql query errors before generating codes
- generate (최소 한개의 쿼리가 있어야 됨)
- models.go
- db.go
- 해당query.sql.go
- 장점이자 단점: 생성된 파일의 내용을 수정해서는 안 됨
: 반환 x
사용하여 assertion- 좀 더 단순하게 테스트 가능
- to provide a reliable and consistent uow, even in case of system failure
- to provide isolation between programs that access the database concurrently
- implement method
- define store struct
SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = 1;
SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE; //query with lock
- the best defense against deadlocks is to avoid them by making sure that our application always acquire locks in a consistent order.
- select for update
- select no key for update
there are four isolation level
dirty read
phenomenon- It happens when a transaction reads data written by other concurrent transaction that has not been committed yet
non-repeatable read
phenomenon- when transaction reads the same record twice and see different values because the row has been modified by other transaction that was committed after ther first read
phantom read
phenomenon- it is similar phenomenon, but affects queries that search for multiple rows instead of one
serializable anomaly
- when the result of a group of concurrent commited transactions could not be achived if we try to run them sequentially in any order without overlapping each other
read uncommited | read commited | repeatable read | serializable | |
dirty read | O | X | X | X |
non-repetable read | O | O | X | X |
phantom read | O | O | X | X |
serialization anomaly | O | O | O | X |
- job
- is a set of steps execute on the same runner
- normal jobs run in parallel
- steps
- is an individual task
- run serially within a job
- contain 1 + actions
- actions
- is a standalone command
- run serially within a steps
- can be reused
- workflow
- event trigger
- scheduled trigger
- manually trigger
- using
TODO can not generate mockgen command in makefile
- it helps you to write independent tests more easily
- tests will run much faster since they don't have to spend time talking to the db
- it allows us to write test that acheive 100% coverage
mockgen --build_flags=--mod=mod github.com/jaeyoung0509/go-banking/db/sqlc Store
- use
- bcrpyt requires a cost parameter which will decide the number of key expansion rounds or iterations of the algorithm
- bcrpt also generates a random salt to be used in those iterations, which will help protect against the
rainbow table attack
- because of this
random salt
the algorithm will give you a completely different output hash baluse even if the same input password is provided - The cost and salt will also be added to the hash to produce the final hash string
- in this hash string, there are 4 components
- the first part is the
hash algorithm identifier
- the second part is cost
- the third is the salt of length 16 byte
- the last part is 24 bytes hash value
- the first part is the
- what is
- stronger algorithms
- local - symmetric key
- what's the problem of jwt
- weak algorithms given developers too many algorithms to choose some algorithms are known to be vulnerable
- trivial forgery
- the developers should check the algorithm header before verify toekn signature server must check if the algorithm header matches the one it is using to sign tokens
- 트랜잭션 수준 읽기 일관성 (동시성 제어)를 위
- READ UNCOMMITTED : 다른 트랜잭션에 커밋되지 않은 내용도 참조 가능
- READ COMMITTED: 다른 트랜잭션에 커밋된 내용만 참조
- REPEATABLE READ: 트랜잭션 진입하기 이전에 커밋된 내용만 참조
- SERIALIZABLE: 트랜잭션에 진입하면 락을 걸어 다른 트랜잭션이 접근하지 못하게or
- 아래로 내려갈수록 트랜잭션간 고립 정도가 높아지며, 성능이 떨어짐
- 일반적인 온라인 서비스에서는 read-commited or repeatable read를 사용
- is a server to run the jobs
- run 1 job at a time
- github hosted or self hosted
- report progress, logs & result to github
- is a set of steps execute on the same runner
- normal jobs in parallel
- dependent jobs run serially
- is an individual task
- run serially within a job
- contain 1 + actions
- is a standalone command
- run serially within a step
- can be reused
- 독립적인 테스트
- 테스트 데이터 셋 충돌을 피할 수 있음
- 빠른 테스트
- 디비 연결하는 시간 감소 (?)
- use fake db: memory
- use db stubs: gomock
- generate and build stubs that returns hard-coded values
- the same secret key
- for local use
- hs
- hs256 = hmac + sha256
- the private key is used to sing token
- the public key is used to verify token
- for public use: internal service token but external service needs to verify it
- rs256: rsa pcks + sha256
- public key cryptography standards
- ps256: rsa pss + sha256
- pss: probabilistic signature scheme
- es256:
- ecdsa: elliptic curve digial signature algorithm
the problem of jwt
- weak algorithm
- rsa pkcs: padding oracle attack
- ecdsa: invalid curve attack
- include the signing algorithm in the token header
- algon = none
- it fixed many libraries
- set 'alg' header to 'hs256' while the server normally verifies token with a rsa public key
- even though the token is rsa but hacker set algo as 'hs256'(symmetric) then server will use symmetric method instead of rsa public
- so server should check token's algorithm
- weak algorithm
- platform-agnostic-security-tokens
- stronger algorithms
- paseto have two algorithms
- symmetric
- asymmetric
- jwt use base64 <-> paseto aead
docker-compose.yml 에서의 command는 Dockerfile의 CMD의 내용이 없다면 Dockerfile의 CMD 로서의 역할을 하기도 하고, 만약 원래 Dockerfile에 CMD 의 내용이 존재했다면, 그것을 Override한다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. ref