A Quiz Game Application.
- Two modes-Quick Play & Custom Play
- Player can create their own customised quiz having any number of questions
- LeaderBoard for each quizes
- Quick Play: 10 random Questions from different areas (No need to authenticate)
- Custom Play: Create & Play your own quiz (Needs authentication using email & password)
- Session Storage: Storing of all the local data
- Bycrypt: Used for Hashing the password at Backend
- JsonWebToken: used for seamless authorization
- Player can delete and Edit only their own quizes from dashboard
- Edit: It pre-fills the input fileld, player just need to make the alteration and save it
- Handling of wrong URL
- Fully Responsive for all screen sizes
Backend Repo: https://github.com/jagroshansingh/BrainBurstQuiz_Backend
Backend Deployed: https://drab-blue-indri-sock.cyclic.app