I am a Full Stack Developer with a huge love for PHP, Laravel, WordPress, Alpine.js, Vue.js, React.js, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap and System Architecture.
Currently, I'm open to work and employment opportunities.
I Actively code on PHP, Laravel, Vuejs, Nuxtjs, WordPress themes and plugins, and APIs (in-house, end user products, and consumers) every day.
I love to Play Games specially Fifa and was a big fan of Humanyun Ahmed (Bangladeshi novelist).
- 🔭 I’m currently creating wp plugins, wp themes and laravel application.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning many things in deeply specially devOps, AWS, Docker etc.
- 👯 I’m currently open for work and employment opportunities (remote and relocation)
- 💬 Ask me about PHP, WordPress, Laravel, HTML & CSS.
- 📫 I am just one mail away - [mamun3d at gmail dot com]
- 🥳 Fun fact: I love to play video games like mafia, fifa.. 😄, I love adda & travel.
- 🔧 Tools - VSCode, Postman, Sublime Text, PhpStorm, Valet, Docker, Mac and Linux.
- 😄 Pronouns: He