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Johnny edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 10 revisions


Removing unreachable code | October 18, 2023

The control flow graph used for holding the three address code intermediate language is complete. Statements are split into basic blocks where control flow enters at the start and exits at the end of each block. Once all three address code have been generated from the abstract syntax tree, it removes any unreachable blocks. For example

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc == 1)
        return 9;
    else if (argc == 2)
        return 8;
    else if (argc == 3) {
        return 7;
        return 6;

generates the following graph

Control flow graph [11]
  Block 0
      0       ce __t0, argc, 1
      1       jz __l0, __t0
    -> 1 3
  Block 1
      0      ret 9
  Block 2
      0      jmp __l1
    -> 10
  Block 3
    Labels: __l0
      0       ce __t1, argc, 2
      1       jz __l2, __t1
    -> 4 6
  Block 4
      0      ret 8
  Block 5
      0      jmp __l3
    -> 10
  Block 6
    Labels: __l2
      0       ce __t2, argc, 3
      1       jz __l4, __t2
    -> 7 9
  Block 7
      0      ret 7
  Block 8
      0      jmp __l5
    -> 10
  Block 9
    Labels: __l4
      0      ret 6
  Block 10
    Labels: __l5 __l3 __l1

with unreachable blocks eliminated

Control flow graph [7]
  Block 0
      0       ce __t0, argc, 1
      1       jz __l0, __t0
    -> 1 2
  Block 1
      0      ret 9
  Block 2
    Labels: __l0
      0       ce __t1, argc, 2
      1       jz __l2, __t1
    -> 3 4
  Block 3
      0      ret 8
  Block 4
    Labels: __l2
      0       ce __t2, argc, 3
      1       jz __l4, __t2
    -> 5 6
  Block 5
      0      ret 7
  Block 6
    Labels: __l4
      0      ret 6

Improving the parser | April 22, 2023

I have had some time recently which I spent improving the parser. Previously, the parse tree it generated was very difficult to convert to the intermediate language as it had too many nodes and was not annotated with much information by the parser. The new parser now generates a tree closer to typical abstract syntax trees, shown below

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a = argc;
    int b = 2 - (3 + 4 * (5 + a) - a);
    return (b + 20000) % 255;
└ function_definition
  ├ declaration_specifiers(int)
  ├ pointer(0)
  ├ new_identifier(main)
  ├ parameter_type_list
  | ├ parameter_list
  | | ├ declaration_specifiers(int)
  | | ├ pointer(0)
  | | └ new_identifier(argc)
  | └ parameter_list
  |   ├ declaration_specifiers(char)
  |   ├ pointer(2)
  |   └ new_identifier(argv)
  └ compound_statement
    ├ declaration
    | ├ declaration_specifiers(int)
    | ├ pointer(0)
    | ├ identifier(a)
    | └ identifier(argc)
    ├ declaration
    | ├ declaration_specifiers(int)
    | ├ pointer(0)
    | ├ identifier(b)
    | └ binary_expression(-)
    |   ├ constant(2)
    |   └ binary_expression(-)
    |     ├ binary_expression(+)
    |     | ├ constant(3)
    |     | └ binary_expression(*)
    |     |   ├ constant(4)
    |     |   └ binary_expression(+)
    |     |     ├ constant(5)
    |     |     └ identifier(a)
    |     └ identifier(a)
    └ jump_statement(return)
      └ binary_expression(%)
        ├ binary_expression(+)
        | ├ identifier(b)
        | └ constant(20000)
        └ constant(255)

Error handling has also been improved, it can catch some basic syntax errors and report the location where it occurred with good accuracy, shown below

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
    int b = 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 + a
Expected ';'
 4:1 | }
     | ~

Another example

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + b + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1;
Unknown identifier 'b'
 2:29 |     int a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + b
      |                             ~

Function calls | June 24, 2022

Function calls are implemented, they can be nested, call each other, perform recursion, everything you expect (excluding function pointers). The calling system V calling convention is followed, allowing calls to library functions in the future. The implementation required the instruction selector be modified as function calls need some addition logic to determine where to put its arguments, and the register coalesce stage is currently disabled as there are some bugs regarding the implementation of division which has yet been fixed, resulting in extra copy operations.

// Recursive integer powers
int pow(unsigned base, unsigned exponent) {
    if (exponent == 0) {
        return 1;
    return base * pow(base, exponent - 1);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    return pow(2, argc);
        push            rbp
        mov             rbp, rsp
        sub             rsp, 8
        push            rbx
        mov             DWORD [rbp-4], edi
        mov             ebx, 0
        xor             eax, eax
        cmp             esi, ebx
        sete            al
        test            eax, eax
        jz              _Z3__l0
        mov             eax, 1
        jmp             pow@ep
        mov             eax, 1
        mov             DWORD [rbp-8], esi
        sub             DWORD [rbp-8], eax
        mov             edi, DWORD [rbp-4]
        mov             esi, DWORD [rbp-8]
        call            pow
        mov             ebx, eax
        mov             eax, DWORD [rbp-4]
        imul            eax, ebx
        jmp             pow@ep
        pop             rbx
        push            rbp
        mov             rbp, rsp
        sub             rsp, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-4], edi
        mov             edi, 2
        mov             esi, DWORD [rbp-4]
        call            pow
        jmp             main@ep

Static stack arrays | June 17, 2022

After much more work than expected, static arrays on the stack are implemented. Their implementation required the introduction of a new array type, introduction of a new addressing mode in the instruction selector of the form mov [base+index], src, changes to how the intermediate representation of instructions are stored in the assembly generator to support the addressing modes required, and changes to liveness calculations to handle memory accesses.

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a[5];
    a[0] = 5;
    a[1] = 4;
    a[2] = 3;
    a[3] = 2;
    a[4] = 1;
    return a[argc];
        push            rbp
        mov             rbp, rsp
        sub             rsp, 20
        mov             rax, 0
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-20+rax], 5
        mov             rax, 1
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-20+rax], 4
        mov             rax, 2
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-20+rax], 3
        mov             rax, 3
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-20+rax], 2
        mov             rax, 4
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             DWORD [rbp-20+rax], 1
        movsx           rax, edi
        imul            rax, 4
        mov             eax, DWORD [rbp-20+rax]

In the future, the plan is to have an optimizer which is capable of folding the constants used to access the array.

Implicit conversions | June 8, 2022

The assembly generator improvements are complete for now and implicit integer conversions were added. The register allocator now attempts to merge variables together if their lifespans do not overlap to reduce copies. Most importantly, it now correctly generates spill code if variables had to be spilled onto the stack.

Register allocation | May 26, 2022

The assembly generator now has a register allocator using graph coloring. It is now capable of generating better assembly, though it is not perfect and sometimes emits incorrect instructions.

Improvements can still be made and is in progress - a register preference system to guide the allocator on which register to choose (right now it chooses the first available register), and switching to a tree rewriting instruction selector instead of a macro expander to better take advantage of the X86 instruction set.

An example of an improvement using the new instruction selector is better assembly for testing conditionals, currently:

if (argc == 1) { /* body */ }

generates the assembly with 3 unnecessary instructions:

    cmp   edi, 1
    sete  al          ; Unnecessary
    movzx eax, al     ; Unnecessary
    test  eax, eax    ; Unnecessary
    jz    _Z2__l0
    ; body

Here is the assembly generated for the same program as last time compared to the old assembly:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a = 5;
    if (argc == 1) {}

    if (argc == 2)
        a = 7;

    if (argc == 3) {
        a = 8;
    if (argc == 4) {
        int a = 9;
        a = 10;

    return a;


; 30 instructions
    push  rbp
    mov   rbp, rsp
    mov   ebx, 5
    cmp   edi, 1
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z2__l0
    cmp   edi, 2
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z4__l1
    mov   ebx, 7
    cmp   edi, 3
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z5__l2
    mov   ebx, 8
    cmp   edi, 4
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z7__l3
    mov   eax, 9
    mov   eax, 10
    mov   eax, ebx


; 57 Instructions
    push  rbp
    mov   rbp, rsp
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, 5
    mov   DWORD [rbp-4], eax
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, edi
    mov   ecx, 1
    cmp   eax, ecx
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    mov   DWORD [rbp-8], eax
    mov   eax, DWORD [rbp-8]
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z1__l0
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, edi
    mov   ecx,2
    cmp   eax, ecx
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    mov   DWORD [rbp-12], eax
    mov   eax, DWORD [rbp-12]
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z1__l1
    mov   eax, 7
    mov   DWORD [rbp-4], eax
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, edi
    mov   ecx,3
    cmp   eax, ecx
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    mov   DWORD [rbp-16], eax
    mov   eax, DWORD [rbp-16]
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z1__l2
    mov   eax, 8
    mov   DWORD [rbp-4], eax
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, edi
    mov   ecx, 4
    cmp   eax, ecx
    sete  al
    movzx eax, al
    mov   DWORD [rbp-20], eax
    mov   eax, DWORD [rbp-20]
    test  eax, eax
    jz    _Z1__l3
    sub   rsp, 4
    mov   eax, 9
    mov   DWORD [rbp-24], eax
    mov   eax, 10
    mov   DWORD [rbp-24], eax
    mov   eax, DWORD [rbp-4]

Assembly generation for if statements | May 12, 2022

The compiler can now generate (poor) assembly for if else statements as it is now capable of translating boolean expressions, comparisons, and understands scopes. It also understands the standard arithmetic operations, assignment, and prefix/postfix increment/decrement.

Here is an example:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int a = 5;
    if (argc == 1) {}

    if (argc == 2)
        a = 7;

    if (argc == 3) {
        a = 8;
    if (argc == 4) {
        int a = 9;
        a = 10;

    return a;

generates the intermediate language (formatted to be easier to read):

func main,i32,i32 argc,i8** argv
def i32 _Z1a
mov _Z1a,    5
def void     _Z1__l0
def i32      _Z1__t0
ce  _Z1__t0, argc,   1
jz  _Z1__l0, _Z1__t0
lab _Z1__l0
def void     _Z1__l1
def i32      _Z1__t1
ce  _Z1__t1, argc,   2
jz  _Z1__l1, _Z1__t1
mov _Z1a,    7
lab _Z1__l1
def void     _Z1__l2
def i32      _Z1__t2
ce  _Z1__t2, argc,   3
jz  _Z1__l2, _Z1__t2
mov _Z1a,    8
lab _Z1__l2
def void     _Z1__l3
def i32      _Z1__t3
ce  _Z1__t3, argc,   4
jz  _Z1__l3, _Z1__t3
def i32      _Z3a
mov _Z3a,    9
mov _Z3a,    10
lab _Z1__l3
ret _Z1a

which generates x86 assembly:

                                           ; func main,i32,i32 argc,i8** argv

    global _start
    mov             rdi, QWORD [rsp]
    mov             rsi, QWORD [rsp+8]
    call            f@main
    mov             rdi, rax
    mov             rax, 60
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
                                           ; def i32 _Z1a
sub rsp,4
                                           ; mov _Z1a,5
mov eax,5
mov DWORD [rbp-4],eax
                                           ; def void _Z1__l0
                                           ; def i32 _Z1__t0
sub rsp,4
                                           ; ce _Z1__t0,argc,1
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,1
cmp eax,ecx
sete al
movzx eax,al
mov DWORD [rbp-8],eax
                                           ; jz _Z1__l0,_Z1__t0
mov eax,DWORD [rbp-8]
test eax,eax
jz _Z1__l0
                                           ; lab _Z1__l0
                                           ; def void _Z1__l1
                                           ; def i32 _Z1__t1
sub rsp,4
                                           ; ce _Z1__t1,argc,2
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,2
cmp eax,ecx
sete al
movzx eax,al
mov DWORD [rbp-12],eax
                                           ; jz _Z1__l1,_Z1__t1
mov eax,DWORD [rbp-12]
test eax,eax
jz _Z1__l1
                                           ; mov _Z1a,7
mov eax,7
mov DWORD [rbp-4],eax
                                           ; lab _Z1__l1
                                           ; def void _Z1__l2
                                           ; def i32 _Z1__t2
sub rsp,4
                                           ; ce _Z1__t2,argc,3
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,3
cmp eax,ecx
sete al
movzx eax,al
mov DWORD [rbp-16],eax
                                           ; jz _Z1__l2,_Z1__t2
mov eax,DWORD [rbp-16]
test eax,eax
jz _Z1__l2
                                           ; mov _Z1a,8
mov eax,8
mov DWORD [rbp-4],eax
                                           ; lab _Z1__l2
                                           ; def void _Z1__l3
                                           ; def i32 _Z1__t3
sub rsp,4
                                           ; ce _Z1__t3,argc,4
mov eax,edi
mov ecx,4
cmp eax,ecx
sete al
movzx eax,al
mov DWORD [rbp-20],eax
                                           ; jz _Z1__l3,_Z1__t3
mov eax,DWORD [rbp-20]
test eax,eax
jz _Z1__l3
                                           ; def i32 _Z3a
sub rsp,4
                                           ; mov _Z3a,9
mov eax,9
mov DWORD [rbp-24],eax
                                           ; mov _Z3a,10
mov eax,10
mov DWORD [rbp-24],eax
                                           ; lab _Z1__l3
                                           ; ret _Z1a
mov eax,DWORD [rbp-4]

Parse tree | April 30, 2022

The parser is now capable of generating a parse tree for a small subset of the language. The parser will walk this parse tree in order to generate intermediate code.


int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    return argc;

Parse tree:

└ function_definition
  ├ declaration_specifiers
  | └ type_specifier
  |   └ "int"
  ├ declarator
  | └ direct_declarator
  |   ├ identifier
  |   | └ "main"
  |   └ direct_declarator
  |     └ parameter_type_list
  |       └ parameter_list
  |         ├ parameter_declaration
  |         | ├ declaration_specifiers
  |         | | └ type_specifier
  |         | |   └ "int"
  |         | └ declarator
  |         |   └ direct_declarator
  |         |     └ identifier
  |         |       └ "argc"
  |         └ parameter_list
  |           └ parameter_declaration
  |             ├ declaration_specifiers
  |             | └ type_specifier
  |             |   └ "char"
  |             └ declarator
  |               ├ pointer
  |               | ├ "*"
  |               | └ pointer
  |               |   └ "*"
  |               └ direct_declarator
  |                 └ identifier
  |                   └ "argv"
  └ compound_statement
    └ block_item_list
      └ block_item
        └ statement
          └ jump_statement
            └ expression
              └ assignment_expression
                └ conditional_expression
                  └ logical_or_expression
                    └ logical_and_expression
                      └ inclusive_or_expression
                        └ exclusive_or_expression
                          └ and_expression
                            └ equality_expression
                              └ relational_expression
                                └ shift_expression
                                  └ additive_expression
                                    └ multiplicative_expression
                                      └ cast_expression
                                        └ unary_expression
                                          └ postfix_expression
                                            └ primary_expression
                                              └ identifier
                                                └ "argc"