Chrysalis is a PHP Library create by @Pabhoz to generate classes from your project Data Model using PDO.
Chrysalis v1.0.0 just needs to be instanciated with a few parameters and then just be run. 🙌
Step 1. Clone Chrysalis into your project using:
~$ git clone
Step 2. Require it!:
require "[path/to/libraries]/Chrysalis.php";
Step 3. Instanciate it!:
$chrysalis = new Chrysalis("localhost", "db_name", "db_user", "db_password");
Step 4. Abstract your database, so your tables will be loaded:
Now, you can do it sliently:
Or you can do it with a log:
Step 5. Abstract your database, so your tables will be loaded:
Now, you can do it sliently:
Or you can do it with a log:
Step 6. Generate them!:
You can generate de Model of an specific table by using generateClass method:
Or you can generate them all using generateAllClasses method and passing the output folder location:
Note: The output folder must have 777 permissions.
~$ sudo chmod 777 output
And thats all!
**Optional Customize them **. extend, constructors, methods, just add them all by passing additionalParams!:
//Custom Method to add to my generated classes
$additionalMethod = " public function getMyVars(){\n return "
. "get_object_vars(".'$this'.");\n }\n";
$chrysalis->generateAllClasses("../output/",["extends"=>"BModel", "parent_construct" => true,
Current avialable Additional Params to Generate Classes:
extends = String; defines the class to extend by the generated class
parent_construct = boolean; true to use parent construct
additionalMethods = [String]; Array of functions as strings oyu want to add to generated class
Documentation is under development but for now you can check out the explanations videos: Chrysalis v1.0.0 Explanation Video (Spanish)! Chrysalis v1.0.0 Explanation video (English)! -> Comming soon.