Repo to build hybrid lca database with ecoinvent en exiobase, including geographic and price variance. Relevant Publication: Accepted at Journal of Industrial Ecology
The repository builds on a fork of the package [pylcaio[( The relevant fork is found here. Otherwise it requires:
- Scipy
- Numpy
- Ray distributed processing.
- pypardiso
- pylcaio
- ecospold2matrix
- pymrio
- feather
- The core of this package, a class that deals with the building of the hybrid model and (re-) calculating of the the Cut-off matrix. No need to use directly.
- Script to run a MC simulation to estimate the gepographic and price variance. Can be run in stand alone mode, but is called from the notebook run_hybrid_montecarlo.ipynb
- Script to match the BACI price daata to econivent processes. (price data for ecoinvent 3.5 and BACI for the year 2012 can be found here ).
- RunPylcio.ipynb: Notebook to generate a pylcaio object (used for all the concordances).
- run_hybrid_montecarlo.ipynb: Notebook to run a MC simulation to estimate the gepographic and price variance
- Analyse_MC)results.ipynb: A working notebook that can be used to analyse the MC simulation data and produce plot. WARNING: not a cleaned notebook, use with care!!!
Mapping files between ecoinvent processes (v3.5 and v3.8) and BACI for products (HS12 classification) and regional mappings.
- eco_baci_country_mapping.xlsx : excel file mapping the regions in ecoinvent to country codes
- ecoinvent35-baci_region_mapping.json : json file mapping the activity_product uuids to a list of country codes
- ecoinvent35-HS12_mapping.json : json file mapping the activity_product uuids to a list of HS12 commodity codes
- ecoinvent38-baci_region_mapping.json : json file mapping the activity_product uuids to a list of country codes
- ecoinvent38-HS12_mapping.json : json file mapping the activity_product uuids to a list of HS12 commodity codes