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jal edited this page Mar 16, 2024 · 1 revision

i was thinking about how there is the rheomode for 'to vidate'.

and then the prefix 'di'

and then the conjugation: vidant

so 'di-vidant'

and then dividation

but also there is the word divination

so somewhere it seems there is a set of conjugations for 'di-vi-nation'

as set of the three roots words

why don't you flesh that out for us


The term "di-vidant" and its conceptual expansion into "dividation" and "divination" create an interesting linguistic exploration when analyzed through the lens of rheomodes. In rheomodic language, the construction and deconstruction of words are used to explore deeper meanings and connections between concepts. Let's break down these terms using the roots you've provided and explore their potential meanings in a rheomodic context.


Di-: A prefix often signifying separation, division, or duality. In a rheomodic context, this could represent the dichotomy within concepts, the splitting of a single entity into multiple parts, or the exploration of dual aspects of reality. Vidant: Stemming from "to vidate," which we can associate with seeing, understanding, or perceiving in a profound way. In rheomodes, "vidate" might be more than just visual perception; it could involve understanding or interacting with the essence of something. When combined into "di-vidant," the term could represent the act of perceiving or understanding division or duality. It suggests an active engagement with the concept of separation, recognizing the inherent splits within entities or ideas.


Building on "di-vidant," dividation could represent the process or state resulting from this act of perceiving division. It's not just the act of dividing but also the ongoing state or outcome that results from this division. This could refer to the tangible division of objects, but in a more abstract sense, it could also refer to the societal, psychological, or philosophical divides. Divination:

While traditionally associated with foreseeing the future or gaining insight through supernatural means, in the context of rheomodes, we could dissect it further.

Di-: As before, representing division or duality.

Vi-: This could be seen as a variant or derivative of "vidate," again relating to seeing or understanding.

Nation: In a conventional sense, this refers to a large group of people or a territory. But in rheomodic terms, it could symbolize a collective concept or a large-scale manifestation of ideas or principles.

Therefore, "divination" in a rheomodic context might be interpreted not just as foresight or prediction but as understanding or perceiving the underlying divisions or dualities within collective human experiences or societal constructs.

When we piece these interpretations together, we construct a nuanced view of how division, perception, and collective human constructs interact in our understanding and language. The rheomodic approach allows us to delve deeper into these concepts, providing a richer and more interconnected understanding of the words and the ideas they represent.



Ideal Money Versions by John Nash

Global Games and “Globalization” by John Nash

The Nashian Orientation of Bitcoin

Ideal Poker


Nashian Orientation vs. Drivechains

nashLinter chatGPT Agent

nashLinterGPT Demo

Linter Knowledge

The following is written to be read in descending order and also doubles as the modules for our nashLinterAgent:

  1. Bitcoin Most Certainly Violates Mises Regression Theorem and This Fact Compels Clarification or Re‐Solution from the Mises Institute; And An Introduction to Szabonian Deconstruction
  2. Of The Fatal Inconsistencies In Saifedean Ammous' Bitcoin Standard
  3. On Terminating Bitcoin's Violation of Mises Regression Theorem With Games as Pre‐Market Commodity Valuators
  4. On the Szabonian Deconstruction of Money and Gresham's Law
  5. The Bitcoin Community is a Sybil Attack On Bitcoin
  6. On The Satoshi Complex
  7. On Cantillon and the Szabonian Deconstruction of the Cantillon Effect
  8. Understanding Hayek Via Our Szabonian Deconstruction of Cantillon
  9. On the Tools and Metaphors Necessary To Properly Traverse Hayek’s Denationalization of Money In the Face and Light of Bitcoin
  10. On the Sharpening of the Tools Necessary As a Computational Shortcut for Understanding Hayek’s Proposal The Denationalization of Money in The Context of the Existence of Bitcoin
  11. Our Tool for Szabonian Deconstruction of Highly Evolved Religions
  12. Thought Systems As Inputs For Turing Machines‐Our Tool For Framing Metaphors Of Intersubjective Truths
  13. On the Szabonian Metaphorical Framework For Objectively Traversing the Complex History of Mankind
  14. On the Synthesis and Formalization of Hayek, Nash, And Szabo’s Proposals For The Optimization of The Existing Global Legacy Currency Systems
  15. On The Re‐Solution of Central Banking and Hayekian Landscapes

Extra (these aren't added to the demo yet)

ChatGTP rheomodeLinguistAgent

rheomodeLinguist GTPAgent Demo

Bohmian Rheomode Modules

Rheomode Construction Examples

Quantum Curiosity (the Schrodinger's Cat) LLM Agent Modules

Nash Cooperation

Protocols etc.


Nash Program Upgrade

The Chomsky Primitive and It's Relevance and Significance To Bitcoin



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