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Dynamic resume built from Foundation 4 and Active Admin that is Heroku-ready (see sample)

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This has been built from Foundation 4 and ActiveAdmin to provide a dynamic resume.

The (unproofread) steps at the beginning included:

$ rails new resume

$ cd resume

in Gemfile (after rails gem)

gem 'activeadmin'

group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', '> 3.2.3' gem 'coffee-rails', '> 3.2.1' gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3' gem 'zurb-foundation' end

gem "jquery-rails", "2.3.0"

group :development do gem 'sqlite3' gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.0' end

group :test do gem 'sqlite3' gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.0' end

group :production do gem 'pg' end

bundle install (to install the gems)

rails g foundation:install

git init

git add .

git commit -m 'First Commit'

rails generate controller main index

rails g controller resume index tag

delete rails welcome file (index) in public

In Routes: root :to => 'main#index' match 'resume', :to => "resume#index"

rails g active_admin:install rake db:migrate

Make sure root is first in Gemfile

Check active admin at /admin Check title in /config/initializers/active_admin.rb (config.site_title)

Partial for App Layouts - _header In layouts:

<%= render 'layouts/header' %>
  • <%= link_to "Example Resume", root_path %>

  • Menu
  • <%= link_to "Home", root_path %>
  • <%= link_to "Resume", resume_path %>

Check that program functions with rails s, debug as needed

git add . git commit -m 'Second Commit'

rails generate model Tag title:string objective:text summary:text featured:boolean rails generate model Activity category_id:integer position:string organization:string location:string start_date:date end_date:date priority:integer rails generate model ActivityHighlight activity_id:integer highlight:string priority:integer rails generate model ActivityTag activity_highlight_id:integer tag_id:integer rails generate model Category title:string priority:integer

edit model associations to be:

class Activity < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :end_date, :location, :organization, :position, :priority, :start_date, :activity_highlight_ids, :activity_highlights_attributes, :category_id validates_presence_of :organization has_many :activity_highlights, :dependent => :destroy belongs_to :category accepts_nested_attributes_for :activity_highlights, :category scope :ordered, order("priority DESC") end

class ActivityHighlight < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :activity_id, :category_id, :highlight, :priority, :tag_ids validates_presence_of :highlight, :priority has_many :activity_tags, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags, :through => :activity_tags belongs_to :activity accepts_nested_attributes_for :activity, :tags scope :ordered, order("priority DESC") end

class ActivityTag < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :activity_highlight_id, :tag_id belongs_to :tag belongs_to :activity_highlight end

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :featured, :objective, :summary, :title, :activity_highlight_ids validates_presence_of :title validates_uniqueness_of :title has_many :activity_tags, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activity_highlights, :through => :activity_tags accepts_nested_attributes_for :activity_highlights scope :ordered, order("title ASC") end

class Category<ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :priority, :title, :activity_ids validates_presence_of :title has_many :activities accepts_nested_attributes_for :activities scope :ordered, order("priority DESC") end

rake db:migrate

Check that program functions with rails s, debug as needed

rails g active_admin:resource activity rails g active_admin:resource tag rails g active_admin:resource category

Check that program functions with rails s, debug as needed (for activeadmin go to /admin, sign in as password)

git add . git commit -m 'Third commit'

Changed in /admin for:

ActiveAdmin.register Activity do menu :parent => "Resume"

form do |f|
f.inputs "Activity Details" do
f.input :position
f.input :organization f.input :location
f.input :start_date f.input :end_date f.input :category, :as => :radio

  	f.has_many :activity_highlights do |a|
  		a.input :highlight
  		a.input :tags, :as => :check_boxes
  		a.input :priority, :hint => "A number between 1 and 10"
  		a.input :_destroy, :as=>:boolean, :required => false, :label=>'Check this box to remove the above Highlight when Activity updated'


end end

ActiveAdmin.register Tag do menu :parent => "Resume"

form do |f|
f.inputs "Activity Details" do
f.input :title, :hint => "Name of a type of Resume"
f.input :featured, :as => :radio f.input :objective f.input :summary
end end

ActiveAdmin.register Category do menu :parent => "Resume"

form do |f|
f.inputs "Category Details" do
f.input :title, :hint => "Title of section of the resume"
f.input :priority, :hint => "A number between 1 and 10" end
end end

In all controller pages add: @tags = Tag.where(featured: true)

In view/resume/index add:

    <% @tags.each do |tag| %>
  • <%= tag.title %>
  • <% end %>

Test if if viewed correctly (add into activeadmin:, password)

git add . git commit -m 'ActivAdmin forms'

In routes, add: get '/resume/*title', :to => "resume#tag", as: 'tag'

In contollers/resume_controller add: @tags_all = Tag.find_all_by_title(params[:title].split('/'))

Check resume/(your tag with capitalization) to see if it displays

in header partial, change the link_to resume to:

  • Resume
    • <%= link_to "General Information", resume_path %>
    • Featured Resumes
    • <% @tags.each do |tag| %>
    • <%= link_to tag.title, tag_path(:title => tag.title) %>
    • <% end %>
  • git add . git commit -m 'Dynamic NavBar'

    At top of both view/resume for index and tag add: <%= render 'sub_nav' %>

    In new _sub_nav.html.erb partial add:

    Resume Filter:
    <%= link_to "None", resume_path %>
    <% @all_tags.each do |tag| %>
    <%= link_to tag.title, tag_path(:title => tag.title) %>
    <% end %>
    <%= link_to "All", tag_path(:title => all_titles) %>

    In resume_helper add: module ResumeHelper def all_titles all_titles_array = [] @all_tags.each do |tag| all_titles_array.push(tag.title) end all_titles = all_titles_array.sort.join('/') return all_titles end end

    And in resume controller make sure to have:

    class ResumeController < ApplicationController def index @tags = Tag.where(featured: true) @all_tags = Tag.all end

    def tag @tags = Tag.where(featured: true) @all_tags = Tag.all @tags_displayed = Tag.find_all_by_title(params[:title].split('/')) end end

    Check look of sub_nav in resume views! No data yet … but it is all set up and ready!

    git add . git commit -m 'Sub-nav basic added'

    Time to display the data:

    For Activity/AcivityHighlight validates :priority, :numerically => { :greater_than => 0, less_than_or_equal_to => 10 }


    Edit views to display information simply (use first resume)

    Edit navbar to have multiple options for resume (if featured)

    Edit in sub_nav bar (use first resume)

    For creating header:

    When redo, has tag_idSSS

    class Header < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :address_one, :address_three, :address_two, :default, :email, :name, :phone, :tag_id, :title validates_presence_of :title, :name, :email validates_uniqueness_of :title belongs_to :tag accepts_nested_attributes_for :tag scope :ordered, order("priority DESC") end

    ActiveAdmin.register Header do menu :parent => "Resume" index do
    column :title column :name column :email column :phone column("Address") do |header| a_array = a_array.push(header.address_one) a_array.push(header.address_two) unless header.address_two == '' a_array.push(header.address_three) unless header.address_three == '' a_array.join(", ") end column :priority default_actions

    form do |f|
    f.inputs "Category Details" do
    f.input :title, :hint => "Title of section of the resume"
    f.input :name, :hint => "Your name" f.input :email f.input :phone f.input :address_one f.input :address_two f.input :address_three f.input :priority, :as => :select, :collection => 1..10, :hint => "Higher numbers will appear first" f.input :default, :as => :radio, :hint => "If you want to make this the default header for all resumes unless otherwise specified" end

    show do attributes_table do row :title row :name row :email row :phone row :address_one row :address_two row :address_three row :default row :priority end active_admin_comments end end

    rails generate model Header title:string name:string email:string phone:string address_one:string address_two:string address_three:string default:boolean rails generate model HeaderTag header_id:integer tag_id:integer

    add belongs_to tag add stuff in tag model, especially belongs to

    move to active_admin: rails g active_admin:resource header rake db:migrate

    For creating skills and Achievements (known in this as a footer):

    rails generate model Footer title:string priority:integer rails generate model FooterItem footer_id:integer item:string priority:integer rails generate model FooterTag footer_item_id:integer tag_id:integer

    move to active_admin: rails g active_admin:resource footer rake db:migrate


    Dynamic resume built from Foundation 4 and Active Admin that is Heroku-ready (see sample)






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