Command list:
Closes connection and exits
connect [ip]
Connects to diibugger at a specified ip address if no ip is
given, it will use one from ip.txt in the active directory
Closes connection and waits
eval [statement]
Evalutes a python statement
cmd [command]
Evaluates a system command
read [address] [length]
Prints out certain bytes in hex and ascii to the console
aliases: preview, r
dump [address] [length] [filename]
Dumps a certain area of memory to file
word [address] [value]
Writes a uint32 to an address
aliases: ww, writeword, int
float [address] [value]
Writes a float to an address
hex [address] [hex]
Writes bytes to a specified address
aliases: bytes, w, writebytes
ppc [address] [length]
Print disassembled code from the specified region
List thread info
Prints a stack trace
aliases: stacktrace, trace
stackdump [stackNum] [filename]
Dumps entire thread's stack to file (Note: get stacknum from "threads")
aliases: sd
registers (or reg)
Print registers
update (or u)
Checks for exceptions
this is run after every other command as well
breakpoints (or bps)
List breakpoints
breapoint [address] (or bp)
Toggle breakpoint
continue (or c)
Continue past breakpoint
step (or s)
Step from breakpoint to next line