This is a simple "hello, World!" Flask application.
This application has the following dependencies which can be installed using the pip command:
- Flask
- Flask-SSLify
- pyOpenSSL
This application can be run, under Powershell, with the following commands:
PS C:\...> $env:FLASK_APP = "hw"
PS C:\...> $env:FLASK_ENV = "production"
PS C:\...> flask run --cert=adhoc
This will cause Flask to generate a self-signed certificate on the fly.
This application can be tested, under PowerShell, with the following command:
PS C:\...> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://localhost:5000/hello -SkipCertificateCheck
StatusCode : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content : Hello, World!
RawContent : HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1
Server: Python/3.9.1
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 01:29:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Headers : {[Strict-Transport-Security, System.String[]], [Server, System.String[]], [Date, System.String[]], [Content-Type, System.String[]]…}
Images : {}
InputFields : {}
Links : {}
RawContentLength : 13
RelationLink : {}