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Scalable Metagenomics Pipeline: Metagenome analysis including full metagenome assembly

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SCaMP SCalable Metagenome Pipeline

This is a set of scripts for analysis of metagenomic samples.


SCaMP requires a number of prerequisite packages to be installed, in addition to the SCaMP software itself. The easiest way of carrying this out is through the use of bioconda. You will need to first install both git and conda, and setup conda channels as described on the bioconda installation page.

The software can be then installed from git using the command:

git clone

Once the repository is cloned, the prerequisite packages can be installed from bioconda/conda:

conda install --file SCaMP/etc/conda_packages.txt

Alternately, the prerequisite packages listed below can be installed manually. All installed packages should be available on the default path.

###Perl Modules

A number of non-standard perl modules need to be installed prior to running the software:

  1. BioPerl
  2. Bio::DB::EUtilities
  3. DateTime
  4. File::Copy::Recursive
  5. File::Find::Rule
  6. HTML::Entities
  7. LWP
  8. LWP::Protocol::https
  9. Net::FTP::Recursive
  10. Parallel::ForkManager
  11. XML::Simple
  12. YAML::XS

Reference Databases

Each database used by for filtering by these scripts requires the following:

  1. A fasta formatted sequence of sequences, named 'database.fa'
  2. A fasta index,generatd with 'samtools faidx' ('database.fa.fai')
  3. BWA indices appropriate for searching with BWA MEM
  4. A tab-delimited file ('') relating taxonomy data to each sequence: The format should be as follows:

Accession Scientific name Strain NCBI TaxId i.e.

chr1 Homo sapiens 9606

In this example there is no strain defined, so this field is simply left blank

###Building Databases

A series of standard databases can be downloaded and formatted using the 00_build_ref_db script. Databases will be written to subdirectories within /data/florinash/reference_data, to a date-stamped or versioned directory.

00_build_ref_db will download the database using the defiinition from the DATA block at the bottom of the script, then will uncompress it, convert to fasta format while generating the required taxonomy .dat file, then index for bwa alignment.

e.g. To download and format the 'parasites' database, run the command:

00_build_ref_db --db parasites --download

###Database Configurations

00_build_ref_db contains pre-build configurations in YAML format at the bottom of the script. Three different was of defining databases are currently available.

All database configurations require a format parameter, which should be either embl or genbank.


Allows downloading a database from a directory on an ftp server

Configuration parameters:

  • ftphost: URI or ftp server
  • ftpdir: directory on ftp server where database is found
  • filepattern: regular expression defining list of files to be downloaded


Allows a database to build using an entrez query

Configuration parameters:

  • entrez_query: query to carry out to select records to include in database


Allows a database to be built from a list of accessions

Configuration parameters:

  • accessions: list of accessions to include in database

Overall Workflow for carrying out metagenomic analysis

  1. Quality trimming/fastqc analysis

The bin/ script needs to be modified to set the '$orig_dir' variable to point to a directory containing demultiplexed, paired reads. The outputs will be written to the location specified by '$out_dir'. It may be necessary to modify the adapter sequences in %barcodes according to sample preparation methodology.

It will also be necessary to adjust the task range specified at the top of the script (#$ -t 1-73) to reflect the number of samples in the analysis.

Submit the script using 'qsub bin/'.

$out_dir will contain one directory per-sample after the run, containing trimmed, gzipped fastq files, and fastqc outputs.

  1. Read Filtering

Quality-trimmed sequence reads next require filtering to remove reads relating to the host organism, and other categories of organism which may be of interest i.e. parasites. This can be accomplished with the align_reads script, which is designed to be run on the cluster.

align_reads can function in two modes.

a) Filtering: to filter out reads which align to the specified reference database, returning a pair of gzipped fastq files containing only read pairs which do not align to the reference, along with a report (sample.db.filtered_reads.txt) listing the IDs of the reads which aligned with the reference and were removed. A second report (sample.db.mapping_report.txt) provides a taxonomic breakdown of the excluded reads. This reports the NCBI taxonomy id, species name and number of read-pairs aligned to the organism.

b) Alignment: Returns the resulting aligned reads in bam format.

align_reads needs to be provided with the paths to the input and output directories to use, which should be accessible on the cluster as well as on codon. Each input directory should contain a series of per-sample directories, each containing the sequence reads in a pair of gzip compressed fastq files, named *_1.fq.gz and *_2.fq.gz. The output directory is populated in a similar fashion when the job runs, consequently the outputs from one filtering stage can be used directly as inputs to the next stage, allowing multiple filtering steps to be easily carried out.

A list of available databases can be found in the %dbs hash defined on line 89 of align_reads. At the time of writing, these were 'human', 'viral', 'plants', and 'parasites'.

align_reads is intended to be submitted directly to SGE to carry out the filtering operations. The number of tasks making up the job is defined by the '-t' directive at the head of the script.

A typical series of filtering jobs will look like:

  • qsub bin/align_reads --in_dir /data/florinash/trimmed/ --out_dir /data/florinash/filtered/human --db human --filter
  • qsub bin/align_reads --in_dir /data/florinash/filtered/human --out_dir /data/florinash/filtered/parasites --db parasites --filter
  • qsub bin/align_reads --in_dir /data/florinash/parasites/ --out_dir /data/florinash/filtered/viral --db viral --filter
  • qsub bin/align_reads --in_dir /data/florinash/plants/ --out_dir /data/florinash/filtered/plants--db plants --filter
  1. Taxonomic Classification

TODO: Write this!

  1. Assembly

Assembly needs to be carried out on ax3 due to the high memory demands of IDBA-UD. This is currently setup in ~jamesa, so will need separate installation for other users, and the paths in the script modifying according (specifically, the idba_dir definition on line 50). The number of jobs to run will need modifying in the #PBS -J directive on line 15.

1st-Pass Assembly

Fastq files should be copied to ${SCRATCH}/fastq, and an output directory created in ${SCRATCH}/idba. The jobs can then be submitted with qsub assemble.ax3. This should produce one output directory per sample, including a 'contig.fa' file in an 'idba_out' subdirectory.

Compress Assemblies

Much of the data produced by the assembly process should be retainined but is not likely to be required, so can be safely compressed. The script compress_assemblies.ax3 will created a bzipped tarball for each assembly containing the files not likely to be required in future, while leaving the contigs.fa and scaffolds.fa uncompressed. This should be run as:

qsub compress_assemblies.ax3

The resulting contents of the ${SCRATCH}/idba directory should then be copied back to codon.

Contig Renaming

The contigs will have non-unique names between assemblies, so prior to doing anything which may confuse the origins of these, they should be renamed to include the sample identifier. This can be simply achieved using the tag_contigs script on codon, which can be run directly rather than needing to be queued. This requires a single parameter, 'in_dir', which is the path to the directory of assemblies. Running this script will create a second copy of the contigs named 'sample_id.contig.fa', with each contig id also prefixed with the sample id.

bin/tag_contigs --in_dir /data/florinash/assembly/IDBA_UD/

Second pass assembly

  1. Extract unassembled reads
  2. Reassemble - runtime = 36 hours, vmax=196Gb (real figures...)
  3. COntig renaming

Gene Prediction


Gene predictions should be merged into a single fasta file, with IDs tagged with the sample name i.e. sample_041_gene_id_0001


Clusters should be generated using 'cluster_predictions', which translates the nucleotide predictions, clusters these using uclust's cluster_fast method (outputting centroids, consensus sequences and alignments), and then post-parses the uclust outputs to generate csv files for loading into Cluster and Prediction tables of the database


bin/cluster_predicition --in /path/to/merged_prediction.fasta --out /path/to/output_dir --id percent_id

This will output separate files containing all centroids (uclust.$id.centroids.fa), centroids from singletons (uclust.$id.singleton.centroids.fa) and centroids from cluster (uclust.$id.cluster.centroids.fa).

Following clustering, the resulting centroids should be split into smaller sets (1000 sequences each) for parallised functional analysis using 'split_clusters'

bin/split_clusters --in /path/to/cluster/centroids.fa --out /path/to/output_dir

Typically this will only be carried out on the cluster centroids, ignoring the singletons.


Scalable Metagenomics Pipeline: Metagenome analysis including full metagenome assembly







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