This module was developed as a custom module for The basic idea is that one product, when purchased (as the first installment) creates additional installment products.
There are two module components here:
- The code portion (commerce_installments.module)
- The feature portion, which includes views and rules (commerce_installments_feature.module)
The feature provides two custom product types:
- master_installment has an installment field and is used for a first-payment of an installment plan.
- installment_payment is the product used for an installment.
The module has dependencies on commerce_installments, features, commerce_features, date_api, date, commerce_installments_feature, entityreference.
Several pieces of functionality are determined by rules provided with the feature:
- Add item to cart component is used only by the "My installments" VBO view to provide the add-to-cart functionality to VBO.
- Create Installment Payment Product for Line Item component is used to call the in-code product creation function and is used by Commerce Installments Create Installments rule.
- Disable Installment Payment Product component is used to disable a payment product when it has been paid.
- Commerce Installments Create Installments rule fires when completing the checkout process and creates the individual installment payment products using the Create Installment Payment Product for Line Item component.
- Disable Installment Payment Product When It's Been Paid rule loops through the line items in an order and calls the Disable Installment Payment Product component to disable.
All rules provided by this module are tagged "commerce_installments".
To demonstrate the module's features, enable both modules and then:
- Create a product of type installment_payment, adding a payment plan to it.
- Create a product display node that points to it.
- Purchase the product and pay for it. (That is the first installment). New products of type installment_payment are created per the recipe in the master_installment's installment field.
- Visit the "my installments" page and the Administrative installments page. Both show the current status. Both are views so can be changed by sitebuilders to whatever is needed. (Note that the "My installments" page line items can be changed from VBO to Add-to-cart forms in views if the patch in is applied or has been committed.)
- Pay an installment by adding to the cart from the "My installments" page and checking out.
- Visit the My Installments page to see that it is now marked paid. (The view can be changed to not show paid installments, or it's easy clone this display alter it to show paid installments.)