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James Ioppolo edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the speedtest-net-cli wiki!

Vision: Provide a website to allow members of the general public to download a single installation EXE and store speedtest results taken at 5min intervals to cloud NoSQL DB via .NET port of speedtest-cli. Allow users to graph speedtest reports using HighCharts for the purposes of helping users choose the right ISP for them

Motivation: I took up residence in a location providing 100Mbps Fibre to the Home, but my ISP (Telstra) would only allow me to download 0.2Mbps during peak periods of local network congestion, 500x slower than my plan.

Status: This is work in progress.

Technology: .NET

Developers: You are welcome to contact me to assist.

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