Camera Camera is a Swift based QR code reading app.
UIKit, ReactiveKit, Bond, SwiftyBeaver Logging , GCD, AVFoundation, Cocoapods, Generics, MVVM, Protocol Oriented Programming.
After the app starts up, point the camera at some qr codes.
The qr codes will be outlined and stay solidly on the screen till you move away, no flickering of the outline will occur.
At the bottom you can take a photo of the qr codes and it will automatically save to the Photo Album.
Above the 'Take Photo' button you can deselect qr code overlays in the saved imade.
Current capabilities include:
- You can see multiple qr codes with the same message payload.
- You can take a picture with or without qr codes displayed.
- The app works in all orientations.
First have cocoapods installed, if you don't have it there are instructions at
Go to and download the zip file
After downloading, please navigate to the Cameracamera folder and type pod install
Then go into the folder Cameracamera, open Cameracamera.xcworkspace.
From terminal (with git installed), type
git clone
cd Cameracamera
pod install
open Cameracamera.xcworkspace
Then build the project.
Changes are not accepted at this time
- 08-08-2017 Initial Commit
All rights reserved Author: