A wireless (solar poweed) sensor controlled garden irrigation system.
This is still a work in progress. I'll write up a readme later on but feel free to pick it up and try it out.
- 3.3V or 5V Relay Module (HIGH or LOW active)
- ESP8266-Dev (WeMos/NodeMCU style)
- Liquid Flow Meter (I used model YF-S201)
- 12VDC Solenoid water valves
- Download this project as a zip and extract to your project directory in its own folder.
- Match the pinouts from the code (settings.h).
- Download the Blynk mobile app and create a project. Open the email send to you with the auth code and put it in settings.h.
- Create a new folder in your library dir called 'wifi_credentials' and create a new file called 'wifi_credentials.h' and copy the example below. Otherwise just enter the credentials in settings.
* Settings - Wifi Credentials
Wifi Credentials
#define WIFI_SSID "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define WIFI_PASS "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"