Zing! is a framework for playful generation of random mazes.
This was taken from the "Twistly Little Passages" presentation at Mountain West Ruby Conference 2015. The framework is strongly influenced by the code from the author's book, "Mazes for Programmers", published by the Pragmatic Programmers:
There are lots and lots of examples in the examples
directory. The
basic usage looks something like this:
require 'mazes/grid'
require 'mazes/algorithms/growing_tree'
rows, columns = 20, 30
grid = Mazes::Grid.new(rows, columns)
Mazes::Algorithms::GrowingTree.on(grid, [:last, :random])
The above will generate a 20x30 grid, run the Growing Tree algorithm with a 50/50 split between choosing the last cell and choosing a random cell, and then render a PNG image of the resulting maze and display it.
The code is currently very very very heavily Mac specific. Some functionality simply will not work on anything but a Mac. Pull requests to fix these dependencies are welcome.
Other dependencies:
- ChunkyPNG & OilyPNG (http://chunkypng.com/)
- OpenGL gem (https://rubygems.org/gems/opengl)
- ImageMagick (www.imagemagick.org -- for animated gifs)
- POV-Ray (http://povray.org/ -- for 3D rendering)
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Jamis Buck jamis@jamisbuck.org
If you like this code, please buy my book, too!
"Mazes for Programmers" https://pragprog.com/book/jbmaze/mazes-for-programmers