A command-line interface to the YouTube data API.
Alpha. Not much is implemented, and breaking changes may occur.
Install or update via the go command:
go get -u github.com/jangler/ytool
Usage: ytool <cmd> [<arg>]...
A command-line interface to the YouTube data API. If not enough
command-line arguments are specified for a command, remaining arguments
are read from standard input.
For help regarding a specific command, see 'ytool <cmd> -h'.
playlist print the URLs of videos in a playlist
search print the URLs of resources matching a query
title print the title of a video or playlist at a URL
ytool playlist
Usage: ytool playlist <url>
Print the URLs of the videos in the playlist at <url>, up to a maximum
of 50 videos.
ytool search
Usage: ytool search [<option>]... <query>...
Search YouTube for <query> (joined by spaces if multiple arguments are
given) and print the URLs of the top matches in descending order by
-n=1: maximum number of results, in the range [0, 50]
-type="video,channel,playlist": restrict search to given resource types
ytool title
Usage: ytool title <url>
Print the title of the video or playlist at <url>.
$ ytool search -type=video ilkae | tee >(ytool title)
Ilkae - Ampersand
$ ytool search -type=playlist can future days | ytool playlist
Public domain.