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This library adds single-page-application feature into your website.

The main class is Spa. LocalStorageCache is a cache implementation. You can add your own cache implementation. If you want to know what options are available for Spa or how you can create your own cache look at src/types.d.ts.


npm i @janmarkuslanger/simple-spa --save


import { Spa, LocalStorageCache } from "@janmarkuslanger/simple-spa";

const myCache = new LocalStorageCache();

const mySpa = new Spa({
    cache: myCache

document.querySelector('.test').addEventListener('click', () => {

Main page. Click on Button will load the other page in the background and the new content will be replaced.

<h1 data-simple-spa="a">Main content</h1>
<button class="test">Click me </button>
<h1 data-simple-spa="a">New Content</h1>



TSDX scaffolds your new library inside /src.

To run TSDX, use:

npm start # or yarn start

This builds to /dist and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside src causes a rebuild to /dist.

To do a one-off build, use npm run build or yarn build.

To run tests, use npm test or yarn test.


Jest tests are set up to run with npm test or yarn test.

Bundle Analysis

size-limit is set up to calculate the real cost of your library with npm run size and visualize the bundle with npm run analyze.