This can be accessed by all modules. Contains utils, abstractions and network calls.
Contains main application and injections. Has access to all modules.
Provides meals code and unit tests.
- config-android.gradle
Contains android configuration.
- config-properties.gradle
Contains properties that needs to be secured. BASE_URL in this code.
- dependencies-all.gradle
Contains group of dependencies.
- dependencies-versions.gradle
Contains dependencies version.
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Android Architecture Components(AndroidX, Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel)
- Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson
- Dagger 2 (Dependency Injection)
- Glide(Image Loading)
- Junit(For unit tests)
- Ktlint(For lint fixes)
- Timber(For Logging)
In case you have any question, please let me know.