Haskell bindings for postgres full text search in esqueleto. for a good explenation see https://rachbelaid.com/postgres-full-text-search-is-good-enough/
you can turn postgres into a database that is similar in performance for search as elastic search, without having to deal with elastic search.
install nix (the package manager). Enter the nix shell.
nix develop
cabal build
running the tests with nix:
nix check
- decide which fields you want to search for, this can be from several tables
- setup a materialized view with the fields, for example:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW public.companies_search_index AS
SELECT c.id,
countries.name AS domicile,
p.name AS parent,
COALESCE(string_agg((cd.name)::text, ', '::text), ''::text) AS domains,
(((((setweight(to_tsvector((c.name)::text), 'A'::"char") || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(c.type, ''::character varying))::text), 'D'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((c.trade)::text), 'D'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(countries.name, ''::character varying))::text), 'C'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector((COALESCE(p.name, ''::character varying))::text), 'B'::"char")) || setweight(to_tsvector(COALESCE(string_agg((cd.name)::text, ' '::text), ''::text)), 'A'::"char")) AS document
FROM (((public.companies c
LEFT JOIN public.countries ON ((countries.id = c.domicile)))
LEFT JOIN public.companies p ON ((p.id = c.parent)))
LEFT JOIN public.company_domains cd ON ((cd.company_id = c.id)))
GROUP BY c.id, p.parent, c.name, c.type, c.trade, countries.name, p.name
the blogpost describes better what goes on here.
- Create an associated persistent model to convince esqueleto this is a table
mkPersistWith sqlSettings $(discoverEntities) [persistLowerCase|
CompanySearchIndex sql=companies_search_index
Id CompanyId -- in this case a 1 to 1 relation with the real company table
-- these fields are mostly for debugging the document
name Text
type Text Maybe
trade Text
domicile Text Maybe
parent Text Maybe
domains Text
-- we query based on the documeent, this is the important bit.
document TsVector
isArchived Bool
deriving Show
instance ToBaseId CompanySearchIndex where
type BaseEnt CompanySearchIndex = Company
toBaseIdWitness = CompanySearchIndexKey
- make sure to periodically refresh this view, or setup database triggers to do that for you.
CREATE FUNCTION public.refresh_companies_search_index() RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
refresh materialized view companies_search_index;
return null;
end $$;
CREATE TRIGGER refresh_companies_search_index AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OR TRUNCATE ON public.companies FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION public.refresh_companies_search_index();
- use this library to search, for example:
import Database.Esqueleto.TextSearch.Language(SearchTerm, prefixAndQuery, ((@@.)), ts_rank)
import Database.Esqueleto.TextSearch.Types(defaultWeights)
searchCompany :: SqlExpr (Entity CompanySearchIndex) -> SearchTerm -> SqlQuery ()
searchCompany company term = do
let query = prefixAndQuery term
norm = val []
where_ $ (company ^. CompanySearchIndexDocument) @@. query
orderBy [desc (ts_rank (val defaultWeights)
(company ^. CompanySearchIndexDocument)
query norm)]