A partial Go port of https://github.com/watson/ci-info
go get github.com/jaredpalmer/ci-info
package main
import ci "github.com/jaredpalmer/ci-info"
func main() {
fmt.Println(ci.IsCi()) // true or false
fmt.Println(ci.Name()) // => (e.g. nil, "Vercel", "CircleCI" etc.
fmt.Println(ci.Info()) // { Name: "CircleCI", Constant: "CIRCLE", Env: "CIRCLECI" },
This package can detect the following CI/CD/PaaS providers:
- AppVeyor
- Azure Pipelines
- Appcircle
- Bamboo
- Bitbucket Pipelines
- Bitrise
- Buddy
- Buildkite
- CircleCI
- Cirrus CI
- AWS CodeBuild
- Codefresh
- Codeship
- Drone
- dsari
- GitHub Actions
- GitLab CI
- GoCD
- LayerCI
- Hudson
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Magnum CI
- Netlify CI
- Nevercode
- Render
- Sail CI
- Semaphore
- Screwdriver
- Shippable
- Solano CI
- Strider CD
- TaskCluster
- TeamCity
- Travis CI
- Vercel
- Visual Studio App Center