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This repository contains the scripts used for the project "Blood-based multivariate methylation risk score for cognitive impairment and dementia".
As DNA methylation may act as the molecular link between lifestyle/environment and the biological processes governing health and disease, blood-derived DNA methylation data might be utilized for the early identification of persons at risk of developing dementia. Therefore, our research aim is to establish a robust model for predicting a person's midlife dementia risk.
The applied methodology consists of four main steps:
- Model generation using the DNA methylation data of the EXTEND and EMIF-AD cohorts.
- Model validation in the EMIF-AD, PPMI, and ADNI cohorts.
- Model interpretation (here).
- Model extension with genetic and cerebral spinal fluid biomarkers in the EMIF-AD cohort.
You can also generate the multivariate risk scores for cognitive impairment and dementia yourself in an R Shiny application. You can do this by downloading the current GitHub repository and running the following command:
("PATH" refers to the path to the GitHub directory)
Please note that it takes a long time to launch the app for the first time because large models (> 10 GB) are being downloaded from Zenodo.
R version 4.1.2
RStudio version 2021.09.02+382
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