Writing the string class from scratch as an exercise
add releases:
- first release will be standard version of string
- secound release will be improved("add boost :)")
- at
- operator[]
- front
- back
- data
- c_str
- begin / cbegin
- end / cend
- rbegin / crbegin
- rend / crend
- empty
- m_size / length
- max_size
- reserve
- capacity
- shrink_to_fit
- clear
- insert
- erase
- push_back
- pop_back
- append
- operator+=
- compare
- starts_with
- ends_with
- contains
- replace
- substr
- copy
- resize
- resize_and_overwrite
- swap
- find
- rfind
- find_first_of
- find_first_not_of
- find_last_of
- find_last_not_of
- npos[static]
- operator+
- operator==
- operator!=
- operator<
- operator>
- operator<=
- operator>=
- operator<=>
- std::swap(std::String)
- erase(std::String)
- erase_if(std::String)
- operator<<
- operator>>
- getline
- to_string
- to_wstring