Scripts for computing the solubility parameter, surface tension, and wetting properties of liquids
To cite, please use: Jarray A., Wijshoff H., Jurriaan L. A., and den Otter W. K., Systematic approach for wettability prediction using molecular dynamics simulations,Soft Matter16, 4299-4310 (2020)
Jarray A., Feichtinger A., and Scholten E, Linking intermolecular interactions and rheological behaviour in capillary suspensions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 627, 415-426 (2022).
To launch, you need to install lammps, and run using the compute_SP file using the command:
lmp_serial < (for parallel run, use mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -in
For more help, tutorial: Basic_Tutorial.docx