This user control lib implement some dialogs at metro style:
- About box dialog
- Message dialogs
- Open/save file dialog
- Select folder dialog
- Select items dialog
- Splash screen dialog
Based on MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro
//create by ctor
var svc = new WindowDialogs()
//or using IoC
var svc = IoC.Get<IWindowsDialogs>();
//show dialog and get result "key1" or "key2" ...
var result = svc.ShowAboutBox("Metro Dialogs", "", "About program, bla-bla-bla...",
new ActionViewModel("DefaultAction", "key1", true),
new ActionViewModel("CancelAction", "key2", false, true),
new ActionViewModel("CustomAction", "key3"));
svc.OpenSplashScreen("Metro.Dialogs", "", "About box\nSplash screen\netc...",
"Organization ltd.", "all right reserved", "licened to ");
//without filter
svc.SelectItemDialog("Caption", "Message", false,
new SelectItem("DisplayName 1", "Description 1", 1),
new SelectItem("DisplayName 2", "Description 2", 2);
//with filter items
svc.SelectItemDialog("Caption", "Message", true,
new SelectItem("DisplayName 1", "Description 1", 1,_=>_ == "1"),
new SelectItem("DisplayName 2", "Description 2", 2, _ => _ == "2"));