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Solar System & Flight Simulator

My first real Three.js project.

Visit the GitHub Pages site to access the latest deployment.

This model includes 1 sun, 8 planets, 9 moons, 4 dwarf planets, and 2 asteroid belts.

Note: Performance can be slow while loading multiple the textures and models. Disable moons and dwarf planets in Controls to improve performance.
After all textures and models are loaded, FPS should stabilize.

Explore Mode

Click on individual planets or moons to move the camera and focus on that object.

Use either the mouse or WASD to move the camera. Use the scroll wheel or R/F to zoom in and out.

Press the escape key at any time to enter free view. Hold right click and drag the mouse to pan.

Press the space key to start and stop rotation.

Click on the UFO to switch to flight mode and fly around the solar system.

Flight Mode

Use W/S to increase or decrease throttle. Use A/D to roll. Use the mouse to control yaw and pitch. Use space to stop and set the speed to 0.

Press the escape key at any time to exit flight mode and switch the focus to the nearest planet.



All Orbits
All Orbits

Earth & Moon
Earth & Moon

Saturn, Enceladus, & Iapetus
Saturn, Enceladus, & Iapetus


Ganymede, Jupiter, & Io
Ganymede, Jupiter, & Io