Scripts to generate the 4-Gaussian jobs from an input molecule to calculate the 'inner sphere' reorganisation energy.
This follows the roughly nomenclature and working of JKP's thesis. 'we follow the method of Sakanou' - JKP Thesis 2.2 Reorganisation Energy
This is useful as an input into the Marcus equation for electron / hole transport in organic semiconducting materials.
These calculations are pretty trivial and can be created by hand, but I wrote these scripts to allow the automatic calculation of many lambdas of different fullerenes / oligomers (in particular, when seeing whether you could vary lambda by chemical design to induce better charge transport).
The scripts are very hairy.
Start with either Gaussian Checkpoints (.chk) or Log Files (.log) of the structures you want to calculate the inner-sphere reorganisation of.
Run ./ or ./
>./ *.chk
mylovelymolecule.chk mylovelymolecule_ion_opt.chk mylovelymolecule_neutral_opt.chk
--> generates two geometry opt jobs (neutral + charged)
Run these jobs, retaining the checkpoints.
Generate the energy jobs (Nb: you could use a different / higher level of theory here, in particular you might want to think of expanding the basis set for an Anion calculation and/or increasing the convergence)
>./ *_opt.chk
--> generates 4 energy jobs "*_ion_E.chk" / "_neutral_E.chk"
Run these * jobs...
Have a tasty look at the reorganisation energies with the handy ./ script
>./ C60_b3lypopt [here's one I made earlier...]
N_ion: -2286.24731990 N_neu: -2286.17409196 I_ion: -2286.24982989 I_neu: -2286.17154854
Neutral transition (I_new-N_neu) in eV: .06920900162
Ion transition (N_ion - I_ion) in eV: .06829933789
--> C60 has an inner sphere reorganisation energy of 138 meV at b3lyp/6-31g*.