GoORM is an ORM for Go. It lets you map Go structs to tables in a database. It's intended to be very lightweight, doing very little beyond what you really want. For example, when fetching data, instead of re-inventing a query syntax, we just delegate your query to the underlying database, so you can write the "where" clause of your SQL statements directly. This allows you to have more flexibility while giving you a convenience layer. But GoORM also has some smart defaults, for those times when complex queries aren't necessary.
go get
Open a database
orm := goorm.NewORM("", "3306", "test", "xiemengjun", "123456", "utf8")
Change Database
Model a struct after a table in the db
type Person struct {
Id int64
Name string
Age int64
Create an object and save it
var someone Person
someone.Name = "john"
someone.Age = 20
Fetch a single object
var person1 Person
orm.Get(&person1, "id = ?", 3)
var person2 Person
orm.Get(&person2, 3) // this is shorthand for the version above
var person3 Person
orm.Get(&person3, "name = ?", "john") // more complex query
var person4 Person
orm.Get(&person4, "name = ? and age < ?", "john", 88) // even more complex
Fetch multiple objects
var bobs []Person
err := orm.GetAll(&bobs, "name = ?", "bob")
var everyone []Person
err := orm.GetAll(&everyone, "") // use empty string to omit "where" clause
Saving new and existing objects
person2.Name = "Jack" // an already-existing person in the database, from the example above
var newGuy Person
newGuy.Name = "that new guy"
newGuy.Age = 27
// newGuy.Id is suddenly valid, and he's in the database now.