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Files and scripts for bait-capture target detection in metagenomic samples

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AMRPlusPlus and bait-capture target detection

These are the scripts used to run AMRPlusPlus and bait-capture target detection outside of Galaxy. The method for detection follows the same basic pipeline as AMRPlusPlus. Reads are trimmed with Trimmomatic, then there is an optional host-filtering step with BWA MEM, and then reads are aligned to MegaRes genes and bait-capture targets with BWA MEM, and custom scripts are used to cluster and summarize results.

Getting set up

OLC's bait-capture target sequences and clusters are included in this repository. To run AMRPlusPlus, you need to download MEGARes v1.0.1 here.

You can build a conda environment for these tools using conda-spec-file.txt:

conda create --name myenv --file conda-spec-file.txt

To run AMRPlusPlus, you also need to install the resistome tool. You can find it here. detects bait-capture targets in bait-capture or shotgun metagenomic read pairs.

Usage: ./ -1 in1.fq -2 in2.fq -o outfolder
use -t if reads are already trimmed
use -c to provide a contaminant genome (either fasta or a bwa index), or -b to provide a bam file if you've already aligned reads against the contaminant genomes
use -n to specify number of CPUs. default is 8
use -a to specify the path to adapters if you are trimming reads
use -d to specify the path to the target fasta file runs the AMRPlusPlus pipeline.

Usage: -1 in1.fq -2 in2.fq -o outfolder
use -t if reads are already trimmed
use -c to provide a contaminant genome (either fasta or a bwa index), or 
-b to provide a bam file if you've already aligned reads against the contaminant genomes
use -n to specify number of CPUs. default is 8
use -a to specify the path to adapters if you are trimming reads
use -d to specify the path to the megares database
use -x if you want the pipeline to stop before aligning reads to MEGARes

Given a folder containing multiple subfolders where AMRPlusPlus and bait-capture target detection has been done, will combine results from multiple samples into a single table. This script will also cluster targets according to one or more cluster specification files (two specification files, allthethings_amr.tsv and allthethings_plasmid.tsv, are included in this repository, but any tab-delimited files with "ID" and "Cluster" columns could be used).

usage: [-h] -i INFOLDER [INFOLDER ...]
                            [-s SUFFIX [SUFFIX ...]] [-n FNAME]
                            [-flagstat FLAGSTAT]
                            [-c CLUSTERS [CLUSTERS ...]] [-p MINPROP]
                            [-o OUTPREFIX] [-drop DROP]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Input Folder(s)
  -s SUFFIX [SUFFIX ...]
                        Suffix for samples coming from each folder
  -n FNAME              Name of target alignment summary file within each
  -flagstat FLAGSTAT    Optional flagstat file name within each subfolder. If
                        you set this, the script will output a column for
                        proportion of reads within each sample.
                        Tab-delimited files with genes and clusters
  -p MINPROP            minimum proportion of gene covered
  -o OUTPREFIX          output file prefix
  -drop DROP            drop Gene Fraction column from output


Files and scripts for bait-capture target detection in metagenomic samples






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