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Steve Gravrock edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 23 revisions

The Wiki pages are deprecated! Jasmine now provides the same functionality as many of these tools. Please check for documentation.

Related Projects


Custom runners and integration with frameworks

Makes Jasmine available in node.js.

Node.js based alternative to ruby jasmine gem. Provides a commandline runner and features autospec capabilities with growl notification.

Integrates Jasmine tests with Rails 3.1 pipeline (with Coffeescript support, fixtures etc.)

A Ruby gem for integrating Jasmine tests into Rails applications (with CoffeeScript support, requires, HTML fixtures, etc.). Works with older versions of Rails too.

Run Jasmine tests headless in a QtWebKit widget.

Qt application to run jasmine specs from command line for headless junkies.

Headless javascript testing using jasmine, v8, jsdom and node-htmlparser.

Run your Jasmine specs from Ruby without a browser using EnvJS.

A headless, self-contained tool for running jasmine tests on the command line, in Maven, Rails, or anything else. Tested and working in Windows, Mac, Solaris, and Linux.

Guard::Jasmine automatically tests your Jasmine specs when files are modified.

Use Guard with jasmine-headless-webkit.

A collection of jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with Jasmine.

A Maven Plugin for processing JavaScript sources, specs, and executing Jasmine.

Jasmine adapter for JsTestDriver.

The MooTools Specs runner uses Jasmine as a UnitTest-Library; it is possible to run specs via the browser, via JSTestDriver and via NodeJS.

Use Jasmine to drive your iPhone UI Automation tests.

Jasmine webOS allows you to use Jasmine to test-drive Palm® webOS™ applications. Currently works with Mojo applications only.

haXe bindings for Jasmine.

Script to extract topmost describe spec in a Jasmine spec file. Includes example on how to use that script to launch your browser against a Jasmine server and immediately run focused specs - great for a shortcut in your IDE.

Stubbing and mocking

AJAX mocking for Jasmine.

Extensions for the built-in test spies, additional matchers etc.

Plugin providing custom matchers for the Sinon.JS spying, stubbing and mocking library.

Mocks AJAX requests using an interface similar to $.ajax. Not technically Jasmine-related, but very easy to integrate and use.

jQuery.ajaxMock is a tiny yet powerful mocking plugin for jQuery 1.5+. Preserves all jQuery-specific events such as ajaxBeforeSend, ajaxComplete etc.) Not technically Jasmine-related, but very easy to integrate and use.

Custom matchers and other helpers

jasmine-jquery provides extensions for Jasmine to support the jQuery framework and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your specs.

jasmine-fixture provides an HTML fixture API to populate DOM elements via CSS selectors, with the intention of providing the same level of expressiveness to DOM manipulation as jQuery brings to DOM searching

jasmine-prototype is a rewrite of jasmine-jquery to support Prototype projects

This add-on provides a set of custom matchers for working with DOM nodes and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your spec.

Provides extended BDD grammar and reporting for Jasmine. It allows for constructs like "Feature -> Scenario", "Given -> When -> Then" and other useful BDD styles.

jasmine-given provides Given-When-Then aliases for constructing tests. It has a few additional features, all keeping with the overall intent of increasing the clarity and information density of your Jasmine specs.

toEqualProperties and toEqualOwnProperties matchers that show nice diff when they fail.

JavaScript imagediff utility providing matchers for testing Canvas and other imagey objects.

Simplifies writing specs for components using JS-Signals.

Editor support

A TextMate bundle for the Jasmine JavaScript BDD Framework.

A TextMate bundle for writing Jasmine tests in CoffeeScript.

A set of Vim snipMate snippets for Jasmine.

Plugin for vim to combine snippets, fileType, javascript+jasmine syntax and eventually running specs.


A port of Jasmine to ActionScript for use in Flex/Flash applications.