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This is a Python3 module for downloading financial statements from the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen). There are two primary features: fetch and transform.

The fetch command is used for getting the raw data from the Danish Business authority into an SQL store (MySQL or Postgres). The way this data is organized is not very useful for 'learning'. To better organize the data there is a transform command that can be run after fetching all the data. The transform command creates tables where each row corresponds to one financial statement.

If you use this script to fetch data for academic purposes please cite it as follows (BibTeX):

  author = {Allan Gr{\o}nlund and Jesper Sindahl Nielsen},
  title = {Danish {B}usiness {A}uthority {D}ata {F}etcher},
  year = {2017},
  howpublished = {\url{}}

Setup and installation

The package works out of the box on Linux and macOS. For installation on Windows it is recommended to use Docker and a Linux distribution, see the Windows instructions.


The following libraries need to be already installed on your system: libxml2, libxmlsec1, libmysqlclient. You also need to have either a postgres database or a mysql database installed on your system.

The following commands will install the dependencies for this package

  • apt-get update
  • apt-get install build-essential libxml2 libxmlsec1 libmysqlclient


The module can be installed using pip after installing the dependencies mentioned earlier. Run the following command:

pip install --process-dependency-links git+

This should install regnskaber as a module in your current python environment.

Windows Specific

  1. Install Docker:
  2. Install Ubuntu with anaconda –
  3. Start the Docker image.
  4. Continue with setting up the dependencies and installing this package.


To fetch the raw data from Danish Business Authority run

python -m regnskaber fetch -p {number of processes}

It might be beneficial for you to use more than one process for getting the data since this is a very lengthy process. Even with several cores it can take a couple of days.

If you have not configured the database information yet, you will be asked for your credentials.

I recommend you redirct stderr to a file, so that you can later see if some financial statements are missing.

It is relatively straight forward to incorporate the fetch command into your own project. The database needs to be configured first however, by e.g. running python -m regnskaber reconfigure. Make sure to call setup_database_connection() before running fetch.fetch_to_db(procceses).

from contextlib import redirect_stderr
from regnskaber import setup_database_connection, fetch

processes = 16
with StringIO() error_log:
    with redirect_stderr(error_log):
        # now wait a couple of days.


python -m regnskaber transform {table definition file} There are two pre-made table definition files shipped with the project (see examples further down).

Table Definitions file explained

The table definitions file (TDF) is a JSON file. The TDF is a list of dictionaries where each dictionary specifies a tablename (string) and columns. The columns entry is again a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies a single column of the table. An entry in the columns list (i.e. the dictionary) has the following keys: name, sqltype, regnskabs_fieldname, dimensions, method.

  • name is a string with the name of the column in the resulting table (remember your sql database may only support up to a certain length for column names, e.g. 64 characters).
  • sqltype is the type of the column in the resulting table.
  • regnskabs_fieldname is the name of the field in the financial statement this column is computed from.
  • dimensions is either null or a list specifying which dimensions must be present on the regnskabs_fieldname. e.g. we might be interested in fsa:ProfitLoss, but only the ones that concern fsa:ResultDistributionDimension and fsa:ProposedDividendRecognisedInLiabilitiesMember.
  • method describes how to compute the resulting column from the specified input, and is again a dictionary.
    • name is the name of the function to call. These can be generic_number, generic_text, or generic_date.
    • when_multiple: what to do in case multiple entries in the financial statement match. For generic_number and generic_date this parameter is ignored. For generic_text it can be any, none, or concatenate. In case multiple entries match and no strategy has been specified an error will be raised. Since generic_number and generic_date ignore when_multiple they implement simple heuristics. generic_number tries to find the 'most precise' and generic_date finds the first entry that will match a date format.

If the premade methods are not sufficient, there is a hook for adding more: register_method(name, func) in To extend the framework, just import regnskaber and make sure to call setup_database_connection() before calling main in

Here is a small example

from regnskaber import (interactive_ensure_config_exists,
                        make_feature_table as transform)

from random import random

def bar_method(regnskab_dict, fieldName, when_multiple=None, dimensions=None):
    return random()

tdf_name = 'foo.json'
transform.register_method('bar', bar_method)


    "tablename": "test",
    "columns": [
        "name": "baz",
        "sqltype": "Double",
        "regnskabs_fieldname": "fsa:ProfitLoss",
        "dimensions": null,
        "method": {
          "name": "bar"

Now run python

Table definitions file examples

See regnskabstal table defintion and regnskabstekst table definition for examples of table definitions files.


If you want to change the database credentials or connection information you can run:

python -m regnskaber reconfigure

This will interactively ask for the needed information, and discard what was previously there. Note that you can interrupt this at any time before entering the last detail, and nothing will have changed.


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