What is Layon? Layon is a PWA made using Angular 12 and Express JS. Its purpose is to make the Desktop environment big picture just like a Fire TV. With Layon you will be able to execute your games via a carousel interface that shows you game wallpapers thanks to RAWG API. The project is still a BETA and we're still working on it you can find just the "Games" section and "Spotify" which is a remake of the Spotify client, it works but there still are some fixes to do.
To open Layon we've made some Python scripts that allow you to do that very easily, just go to the "Scripts" folder and then run layon.py using the following command: python layon.py If you're trying to open Layon for the very first time you'll need the node modules, so run the command python install_dependencies.py and the script will do it for you.