Stringly is a library for dynamically building queries from metadata supplied by an external source at runtime. This is useful for scenarios where you don't know the structure of queries at compile-time but you need to provide a method of dynamically creating queries at run-time based on some external input; e.g. an application that allows users to create custom reports for a database through a UI such as a web page. Stringly works by building a collection of metadata relating to a query which it uses to generate the query itself which can then be executed. Strong typing of results hopefully coming in the future.
Stringly currently only supports dynamic generation of SQL queries. I'm intending to support generation of LINQ queries in the future to enable support for dynamic query building for frameworks with LINQ providers (LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, NHibernate).
Stringly uses a fluent API for building queries which allows developers to chain method calls together when constructing queries:
QueryResult results = FluentSqlQueryBuilder.Query(connectionString, "Users")
.Join("Organisations", "Organisations.Id", "Users.OrganisationId")
.Where("Users.FirstName", ComparisonOperation.Equals, "Jason")
.Select("Organisations.Name", "OrganisationName")
.OrderBy("Organisations.Name", true)
.Page(1, 100)
Note the use of the ComparisonOperation enum. An overload of the Where() method is provided to accept a string instead of an enum
This query will generate the following (semi-tidy) SQL:
WITH QueryPage AS
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Organisations.Name ASC) AS RowNumber, Users.FirstName AS [Users_FirstName], Users.LastName AS [Users_LastName], Users.Username AS [Users_Username], Organisations.Name AS [OrganisationName], Organisations.CreatedDate AS [Organisations_CreatedDate]
FROM [Users]
JOIN [Organisations] ON Organisations.Id = Users.OrganisationId
WHERE Users.FirstName = 'Jason'
SELECT [Users_FirstName], [Users_LastName], [Users_Username], [OrganisationName], [Organisations_CreatedDate]
FROM QueryPage
WHERE RowNumber > 0 AND RowNumber <= 100
ORDER BY OrganisationName ASC
Stringly generates SQL queries as Common Table Expressions in order to enable paging of results using the ROW_NUMBER() function. This SQL should work or SQL Server 2005 and above.
In order to preview the SQL generated by Stringly you need to cast the object returned by the Compile() method to SqlQuery and inspect the GeneratedSql property. Example:
IDynamicQuery query = FluentQueryBuilder.Query(connectionString, "Users")
.Where("Users.Name", ComparisonOperation.Equals, "Jason")
string generatedSql = ((SqlQuery) query).GeneratedSql;