This React component is to animate reordering of list items.
npm install git+
There are five types for different inputs:
- string or HTML input
- HTMLElement input
- string or HTML by key-value input
- HTMLElement by key-value input
- JSX.Element by key-value input
Style names are CSS reference (not React camelCase).
import { ShuffleStackHTML } from '@jasonsychau/shufflestack'
items={ string[] }
itemHeight={ number } // (optional) static item height
listWidth={ number } // (optional) static list width
listHeight={ number } // (optional) static list height (list is scrollable)
animationDuration={ number } // (optional) in milliseconds
indexDelay={ number } // (optional) delay between the start of animation after the item before in ms
itemStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) styles applied to items after defaults
listStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) style applied to list after defaults
The input is set with .innerHTML setter.
Larger, and constant, strings are better with ShuffleStackKeyValHTML.
import { ShuffleStackElement } from '@jasonsychau/shufflestack'
items={ HTMLElement[] }
itemHeight={ number } // (optional) static item height
listWidth={ number } // (optional) static list width
listHeight={ number } // (optional) static list height (list is scrollable)
animationDuration={ number } // (optional) in milliseconds
indexDelay={ number } // (optional) delay between the start of animation after the item before in ms
itemStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) styles applied to items after defaults
listStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) style applied to list after defaults
The input is set with Node.appendChild(INPUT).
This is for smaller HTMLElement(s). Larger, and constant, elements are better with the ShuffleStackKeyValElement.
import { ShuffleStackKeyValHTML } from '@jasonsychau/shufflestack'
items={ {
key: string | number;
val: string;
}[] }
itemHeight={ number } // (optional) static item height
listWidth={ number } // (optional) static list width
listHeight={ number } // (optional) static list height (list is scrollable)
animationDuration={ number } // (optional) in milliseconds
indexDelay={ number } // (optional) delay between the start of animation after the item before in ms
itemStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) styles applied to items after defaults
listStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) style applied to list after defaults
Input is set by .innerHTML setter.
Only the first input is displayed: if the value is later changed for the same key, the previous value is shown (unless this key is removed before re-entering).
import { ShuffleStackKeyValElement } from '@jasonsychau/shufflestack'
items={ {
key: string | number;
val: HTMLElement;
}[] }
itemHeight={ number } // (optional) static item height
listWidth={ number } // (optional) static list width
listHeight={ number } // (optional) static list height (list is scrollable)
animationDuration={ number } // (optional) in milliseconds
indexDelay={ number } // (optional) delay between the start of animation after the item before in ms
itemStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) styles applied to items after defaults
listStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) style applied to list after defaults
Input is set with Node.appendChild(INPUT).
Only the first input is displayed: if the value is later changed for the same key, the previous value is shown (unless this key is removed before re-entering).
import { ShuffleStackKeyValJSXElement } from '@jasonsychau/shufflestack'
items={ {
key: string | number;
val: JSX.Element;
}[] }
itemHeight={ number } // (optional) static item height
listWidth={ number } // (optional) static list width
listHeight={ number } // (optional) static list height (list is scrollable)
animationDuration={ number } // (optional) in milliseconds
indexDelay={ number } // (optional) delay between the start of animation after the item before in ms
itemStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) styles applied to items after defaults
listStyle={ {[key: string]: string;} } // (optional) style applied to list after defaults
Input is set with ReactDOM.render(INPUT, Node). An example JSX.Element is
const input = <ELEMENT_NAME>{JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]}</ELEMENT_NAME>;
const component = (props) => <ELEMENT_NAME>{JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]}</ELEMENT_NAME>;
const input = component();
Only the first input is displayed: if the value is later changed for the same key, the previous value is shown (unless this key is removed before re-entering).
Try to not set styles for these:
width, position, boxSizing, transform, zIndex for item styles
position, overflowY for list styles
They are important to the functioning of the list.