Flutter preferences management with crypto capabilities
For now preferences are not crypted, I'm waiting for FFI to land :)
But you can still use this package to have multiple preferences files in Desktop, mobile and web.
final preferences = await Preferences.preferences({path: 'pathToPrefs'});
await preferences.setBool('boolKey', false);
Getter have an optional param defaultValue
if the preference if not set.
dynamic get(key)
bool getBool(key)
Future<bool> setBool(key, value)
int getInt(key)
Future<bool> setInt(key, value)
double getDouble(key)
Future<bool> setDouble(key, value)
String getString(key)
Future<bool> setString(key, value)
List<String> getStringList(key)
Future<bool> setStringList(key, value)
You can use save custom object using the mixin WithPreferencesSerializable
on your class, it will serialize your object into a map to save it.
Retrieve an object from a preference key:
WithPreferencesSerializable getPreferencesSerializable(String key, WithPreferencesSerializable Function(Map<String, Object>))
Retrieve an object from a preference file
WithPreferencesSerializable getPreferences(String key, WithPreferencesSerializable Function(Map<String, Object>))
Future remove(key)
Future clear()