The lcdrw1063 lightweight library provides a Python RW1063 LCD I2C driver for use with the Raspberry Pi. It simplifies controlling display content and appearance.
Key features include:
- Easy-to-use functions for display manipulation.
- Compatible solely with i2c bus communication and 8-bit write commands.
Tested with the MC42005A6W-SPTLYI-V2 20 columns x 4 rows, 5mm character height transflective LCD display module from MIDAS Displays.
RW1063 LCD Driver Datasheet:
smbus2: A drop-in replacement for smbus-cffi/smbus-python in pure Python
pip install smbus2
import lcdrw1063 as LCD
display = LCD.Lcd() # Instanciate the LCD driver
display.lcd_display_string("- Display Line 2", 2) # Write line of text to the second line of the display
display.lcd_clear() # Clears the lcd and sets cursor to home.
import lcdrw1063 as LCD
display = LCD.Lcd() # Instanciate the LCD driver
custom = LCD.CustomCharacters(display) # Instantiate a CustomCharacteres generator
custom.load_custom_characters_data() # Generate and load default custom characters from the controller
display.lcd_display_string("- Display Line 1", 1) # Write line of text to the first line of display
display.lcd_display_buffer([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3], 2) # Print a sequence of custom chars on line 2
display.lcd_clear() # Clears the lcd and sets cursor to home.
display.lcd_set_display_off # Switch-off the display. Doesn't affect to backlight
- Add digital port for controlling the Chip Select (CS) state from the library.
- Add a digital port to turn the LCD backlight on/off.
- Add configuration of number of columns and rows.
- Property for setting cursor at specific row and column position. cursor_pos = (0, 5)
- Encapsulate private methods.