This is a Clojure library which is wrapping the Philips Hue REST API. It enables you to interact with the lights in your home.
This is making use of the Philips UPnP tool and requires an internet connection for now. It returns the ID and IP Address of your bridge.
> {:id "001788fffe29d301",
:internalipaddress ""}
Before making any calls to the API you need to ask the bridge for a username. Initially you can achieve this with the following call. Parameters are the bridge information from the (discover-bridge)
call and an identifier for your device.
(farbton.config/create-user bridge
> {:success {:username "DgWsHMp0Ui6WwmcyXSZundZ9ho4iDgj8JEJGHmX8"}}
Before making this call, you have to ask the user to press the link button, else it will return an error:
> {:error {:type 101,
:address "",
:description "link button not pressed"}}
Enables you to query information about your Hue system, will generate a whole lot of data.
(farbton.config/request-stats username
>[:lights {:1 {:state {:on true, ...}}},
{:2 {...}},
:groups {:1 {name "Living Room",
:lights ["1", "2"]
:type "Room"
Lets you query overall information about all installed Philips Hue lights
(farbton.lights/request-lights username
> {:1 {:state {:on true,
:bri 254,
:ct 366,
:alert "none",
:colormode "ct",
:reachable true},
:type "Color temperature light",
:name "Ceiling Lamp",
:modelid "LTW001",
:manufacturername "Ceiling Lamp",
:uniqueid "00:27:12:31:10:38:7d:22-0a",
:swversion ""},
:2 {:state {:on ... }}}
Lets you query detailed information about one Phlips Hue light
(farbton.lights/request-light username
> {:state {:on true,
:bri 254,
:ct 366,
:alert "none",
:colormode "ct",
:reachable true},
:type "Color temperature light",
:name "Ceiling Lamp",
:modelid "LTW001",
:manufacturername "Philips",
:uniqueid "00:27:12:31:10:38:7d:22-0a",
:swversion ""}
This enables you to control the hue lights. Unfortunately, right now I only own Philips Hue Ambience lights, so I can not yet test everything in the full color spectrum. This is a very basic method call, it will just forward the properties directly to the API. Creating more simple wrappers for color selection is planned
(farbton.lights/change-light-state username
{:on true
:ct 153}) ;;turns on the lamp in a cold color
> ({:success {:/lights/1/state/on true}}
{:success {:/lights/1/state/ct 153}})
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.