This component is implemented to render large graph with interactive speed. It's a statelful react component, which means it changes the visualization result according to the props you passed into.
return r.div({},[
r(GraphGL, {
graphData: graphData,
setting: renderSetting,
width: 1000,
height: 1000
See example/main.js for a full example
The graph data.
The width of the container.
The height of the container.
The rendering setting of the graph. Including three parts:
// example:
setting: {
uniformSetting: {
nodeSize: 5,
nodeColor: [43, 140, 190, 255],
nodeShape: 'circle',
nodeBorderColor: [143, 140, 190, 255],
nodeShowLabel: true,
edgeThickness: 2.0,
edgeColor: [200, 200, 200, 255],
edgePattern: 'solid',
edgeRouting: 'line',
edgeShowLabel: true
dataMapping: {
nodeSizeProperty: 'none',
nodeSizeRange: [1, 20],
nodeColorProperty: 'none',
nodeColorMap: [
{offset: 0, color: [0, 0, 255, 255]},
{offset: 0.5, color: [128, 0, 128, 255]},
{offset: 1, color: [255, 0, 0, 255]}
edgeThicknessProperty: 'none',
edgeThicknessRange: [0.1, 5.0],
edgeColorProperty: 'none',
edgeColorMap: [
{offset: 0, color: [0, 0, 255, 255]},
{offset: 0.5, color: [128, 0, 128, 255]},
{offset: 1, color: [255, 0, 0, 255]}
individualMapping: [
{id: 0, nodes: [2,5,6], nodeSize: 15, nodeColor: [255, 0, 0, 255]}
The rednering result will change according to this setting.
- Andrew Thall's Extended-Precision Floating-Point Numbers for GPU Computation.
- Improving precision in your vertex transform
- Double Precision in OpenGL and WebGL
- Heavy computing with GLSL – Part 2: Emulated double precision
npm install
npm run start
This will start a budo server running on localhost:9966.