My first Twitter bot, inspired on this post.
- For connecting to the Twitter API: Twit
- F01: Search tweets based on topics that I'm interested in
- modify the variable
to change the conditions for the search
- modify the variable
- F02: RT and FV some of the tweets resulting on the previous search
- F04: Responds to new followers
- F06: Responds to the users that mention it
F01: Search tweets based on topics that I'm interested inF02: RT and FV some of the tweets resulting on the previous search- F03: Follows other users based on certain conditions
- Twit is not triggering events when someone else follows the account linked to this app
F04: Responds to new followers- F05: Send mention to a user that unfollows it
- Same issue that in F03. In this case, Twit is not sending an event when someone else unfollows it
F06: Responds to the users that mention it- F07: Notifies me when someone DM the account
- The DM only can happen when the two accounts follow each other. Since this account can't follow any other automatically, I can't develop this feature yet.
- F08: Do a reasonable small conversation with someone when it is DM'med
- I'm working on this since this need something more sophisticated (I don't know if I need to implement some IA or something else).
If you think something is wrong, don't hesitate and please open an issue to solve it :)
If you wish to fork this repo and do something cool, you are free to do it always that you follow the LICENSE.