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I have usually struggled to find tools to visualise SBOMs from applications. Therefore, i decided to create a tool to cover that gap.

Neo4Cyclone is a project that ingests CycloneDX sboms in a Neo4J database for visualisation purposes

How does it work?

The application itself is a parser that gets the relevant data from the CycloneDX report, and ingests that in a Neo4J database.

The easiest way to run it is via docker compose. It will start a docker image for Neo4J, and another one for Neo4Cyclone.

Neo4J can be accessed through the normal endpoint, http://localhost:7474/browser/

Neo4Cyclone requires three environmental variables:

  • NEO4J_DB, which is the endpoint to ingest the data. By default it is neo4j://neo4j:7687
  • NEO4J_USER, the user created in the Neo4J instance, the default user is neo4j
  • NEO4J_PWD, the password for the user. Note that Neo4J requires to set the password during the first login.

The docker-compose.yml file is prepared to read that information from a .env file, but it can be modified to read from a different source

How to ingest data?

Neo4Cyclone is listening by default on port 8080, although it can be changed in the docker compose configuration. This endpoint requires two parameters:

  • project: the name of the project to be ingested in Neo4J
  • file: the file that contains the CycloneDX SBOM

Here is an example on how to ingest that data:

 curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@juiceshop.json" -F "project=juiceshop" http://localhost:8080/

That call returns the summary of the action performed

  "Name": "juiceshop",
  "New dependencies added": 840,
  "New vulnerabilities added": 0

Running Neo4Cyclone standalone

Neo4Cyclone can be run standalone, but it requires a running instance of Neo4J in the same machine. Also, the environmental variables need to be set locally.

When you run the script, you need to send two arguments: The project name and the sbom file

 python juiceshop juiceshop.json


The ingestion generates three different nodes, which are

  • Project
  • Dependency
  • Vulnerability

It also generates two relations:

  • Project-Uses->Dependency
  • Dependency-Vulnerable_to->Vulnerability

Here is an example on how the juiceshop SBOM is displayed:

Visualisation cheatsheet

Here are some useful commands to visualise the data in Neo4J:

Display all dependencies for a given project

MATCH (n:project)-[a:USES]->(d:dependency) where n.project_name = 'juiceshop' RETURN n,d LIMIT 250

Display only vulnerable dependencies and vulnerabilities for a given project

MATCH (n:project)-[a:USES]->(d:dependency)-[b:VULNERABLE_TO]->(v:vulnerability) where n.project_name = 'juiceshop' RETURN n,d,v LIMIT 250

Display all the dependencies and vulnerabilities for a given project

MATCH (n:project)-[a:USES]->(d:dependency) where n.project_name = 'juiceshop' OPTIONAL MATCH (d:dependency)-[b:VULNERABLE_TO]->(v:vulnerability) RETURN n,d,v LIMIT 250


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