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A whitespace-sensitive lexer written in Java. There is no fancy code generation involved nor a configuration file in a nearly but note quite a (((E|A)?B)|G)NF syntax. hvitt is used simply via its Java api to configure a lexer with a set of rules and running it on an input to generate a stream of tokens.

I'm not excluding though the idea of extending hvett to accept the lexing rules via a text file in a nearly but note quite a (((E|A)?B)|G)NF syntax, so you don't need to worry about Java-specific escaping codes.

Y U name iz hvitt ?

hvitt is the color White in Icelandic, or so Google translate tells me. I started out with "whitespace sensitive" and tried translating it in different languages and picked hvitt: it looks weird (which is good) and it'll confuse people as to how to pronounce it (which is also good).

Whistespace-sensitive, what is that ?

Usually, lexer throw away whitespace tokens (spaces, tabs, newlines) as they are not relevant to the parser nor to the language semantics.

Some languages however are whitespace-sensitive, like Python or Roy for example, where whitespace is used to eliminate block delimiters ({ and } usually in C-like languages). In Python and Roy, a block is started by increasing the indentation, and closed by decreasing it. For example:

while b:
    b -= 1
print 'result'
print b

In the previous code snippet, a tab was used in the second line to indicate that b -= 1 is part of the while body, whereas the following instruction, print b, is not because it has the same indentation as the while.

In order to correctly parse such languages, the lexer should generate tokens for the whitespace-related information to be used by the following stage, the parser, to make sense of the code structure. That's where hvitt comes in. Basically, it's like classic parser, except that it generates 3 special tokens:

  • NEWLINE: whenever a newline is encountered such as the new line's indentation is the same as the previous'.
  • INDENT: whenever a newline is encountered such as the new line's indentation is greater than the previous'.
  • DEINDENT: whenever a newline is encountered such as the new line's indentation is lesser than the previous'.

For the previous python snippet, besides the tokens corresponding to the different keywords (while, print), identifiers (b), literals (1, 'result') and operators and symbols (-=, :), hvitt generates and INDENT token after the : symbol and before b, a DEINDENT token after 1 and before the first print and a NEWLINE token after 'result' and before the second print.

hvitt doesn't generate tokens for all whitespace, for example, the space between while and b is ignored. If you want to parse a language that needs that, may god help you.

Also, hvitt generates a single token for newlines with increased (INDENT) or decreased (DEINDENT) indentation. So in practice, you'll never see a NEWLINEtoken followed byINDENTorDEINDENT`, like some other whitespace-sensitive or aware lexers do, unless there really is a blank line in between.

Using this library

Here's a quick sample of how hvitt can be used to lex an input into tokens based on a simple rules set:

Given this input (a gcd implementation in Python):

\# gcd implementation
def gcd(a, b):
    while b:
        a, b = b, a%b
    return a

gcd(7, 21)


We start by defining the lexing rules the hvitt lexer will use to divide the input into tokens:

Java configuration

hvitt lexing rules can be configured using a java api, as shown in the following example:

LexerConfig cfg = new LexerConfig();

// we start by defining the keywords, a list of string literals
cfg.addLiteralRule("KEYWORD", "def", "while", "return");

// Here we define the names (of variables, functions and classes) using a regular expression
cfg.addRegexRule("NAME", "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");

// We also define the numbers using a regular expression
cfg.addRegexRule("NUMBER", "-?[0-9]+");

// We define symbols using a list of string literals
cfg.addLiteralRule("SYMBOL", "(", ")", ":", "=", "%", ",", "%", ">");

// We can instruct hvitt to ignore comments by using a special token key "IGNORE" (the key can be customized using cfg.ignoreKey)
cfg.addRegexRule("IGNORE", "#.*");

To define a lexing rule, we need to provide a key that'll identify the class of the tokens (a number, a symbol, etc.) and a list of literals and/or regular expressions describing the kind of inputs the token represents.

File configuration

hvitt lexing rules can also be defined using an external text configuration file in nearly but note quite a (((E|A)?B)|G)NF syntax. The same rule set configured in the example above can be represented in a file:

KEYWORD: 'def' | 'while' | 'return';
NAME: /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/;
NUMBER: /-?[0-9]+/;
SYMBOL: '(' | ')' | ':' | '=' | '%' | ',' | '%' | '>';
IGNORE: /#.*/;

A rule can be defined by specifying the token key (KEYWORD in the first line for example), a colon :, a list of literals and regular expressions seperated by a pipe | and closed with a semi-colon ;.

A literal must be enclosed in an apostrophes ', like in 'while', whereas a regular expression, like in Javascript, is enclosed between 2 /, like in /[0..9]+/.

Besides that, the file format is pretty liberal: you can place in as many whitespace (including tabs and carriage returns) as you like, define multiple rules in the same line, mix literals and regular expressions in the same rule, etc.

You can also split a token definition in multiple rules, and its definition will be augmented instead of being replaced. For example:

KEYWORD: 'def';
KEYWORD: 'while';
KEYWORD: 'return';
NAME: /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/;

To create a lexer configuration from a rules definition file, you use the LexerConfigLoader class:

LexerConfig cfg = LexerConfigLoader.load(reader);

Where reader is a pointing to the config file.

It is to be noted that the hvitt's rules definition file is parsed using hvitt as a lexer and a hand-written recursive-descent parser (well, it doesn't go beyond 2 recursion levels). In other words, the lexer is used to lex its tokens defintion file. Yep, that's meta lexing right there, or, put another way, eating your own dog food.


Stock lexer

Once the rules are defined, a lexer can be created by providing a reader pointing to the input to be lexed and the rules:

Lexer lexer = new HvittLexer(reader, cfg);

Where HvittLexer is the stock lexer implementation and reader is a pointing to the input to be lexed.

It's then simply a matter of iterating on the input tokens generated by the lexer until the end of input is reached, which is signalled by a token with a special key "EOF" (this value is configurable):

try {
    while (!"EOF".equals(lexer.peek().key)) {
        Token tk = lexer.pop();
} catch (LexingException e) {

Executing this program will generate the following output (where each line represents a token by its key, the input bit that it represents and the row:col where it appears:

NEWLINE('') @ 2:1
KEYWORD('def') @ 2:1
NAME('gcd') @ 2:5
SYMBOL('(') @ 2:8
NAME('a') @ 2:9
SYMBOL(',') @ 2:10
NAME('b') @ 2:12
SYMBOL(')') @ 2:13
SYMBOL(':') @ 2:14
INDENT('    ') @ 3:1
KEYWORD('while') @ 3:5
NAME('b') @ 3:11
SYMBOL(':') @ 3:12
INDENT('        ') @ 4:1
NAME('a') @ 4:9
SYMBOL(',') @ 4:10
NAME('b') @ 4:12
SYMBOL('=') @ 4:14
NAME('b') @ 4:16
SYMBOL(',') @ 4:17
NAME('a') @ 4:19
SYMBOL('%') @ 4:20
NAME('b') @ 4:21
DEINDENT('    ') @ 5:1
KEYWORD('return') @ 5:5
NAME('a') @ 5:12
NEWLINE('') @ 6:1
NEWLINE('') @ 7:1
DEINDENT('') @ 8:1
NAME('gcd') @ 8:1
SYMBOL('(') @ 8:4
NUMBER('7') @ 8:5
SYMBOL(',') @ 8:6
NUMBER('21') @ 8:8
SYMBOL(')') @ 8:10

Notice the token keys INDENT, DEINDENT and NEWLINE (that we didn't have to define in the lexer rules) and that are being automatically generated by the lexer whenever the indentation changes (INDENT and DEINDENT) or when the lexer goes to the next line.

The stock lexer doesn't perform much magic, it simply returns tokens as they are encountered in the input. hvittcomes with some more lexers that do some useful filtering and input checking.


CollapsingLexer collapses consecutive NEWLINE tokens into 1 single token, so you don't have to handle such cases in the parser. Actually, it is a bit smarter than that: it'll also completely filter out NEWLINE tokens occuring just before INDENTorDEINDENT tokens.

Optionally, CollapsingParser can be configured to trim the NEWLINE tokens in the beginning and end of the input.

CollapsingLexer is used by wrapping another lexer that does the real work generating the tokens and filters its output:

Lexer hvittLexer = new HvittLexer(reader, cfg);
CollapsingLexer lexer = new CollapsingLexer(hvittLexer, cfg, true);
try {
    while (!"EOF".equals(lexer.peek().key)) {
        Token tk = lexer.pop();
} catch (LexingException e) {

Using CollapsingLexer on the same pythn gcd snippet outputs the following tokens:

KEYWORD('def') @ 2:1
NAME('gcd') @ 2:5
SYMBOL('(') @ 2:8
NAME('a') @ 2:9
SYMBOL(',') @ 2:10
NAME('b') @ 2:12
SYMBOL(')') @ 2:13
SYMBOL(':') @ 2:14
INDENT('    ') @ 3:1
KEYWORD('while') @ 3:5
NAME('b') @ 3:11
SYMBOL(':') @ 3:12
INDENT('        ') @ 4:1
NAME('a') @ 4:9
SYMBOL(',') @ 4:10
NAME('b') @ 4:12
SYMBOL('=') @ 4:14
NAME('b') @ 4:16
SYMBOL(',') @ 4:17
NAME('a') @ 4:19
SYMBOL('%') @ 4:20
NAME('b') @ 4:21
DEINDENT('    ') @ 5:1
KEYWORD('return') @ 5:5
NAME('a') @ 5:12
DEINDENT('') @ 8:1
NAME('gcd') @ 8:1
SYMBOL('(') @ 8:4
NUMBER('7') @ 8:5
SYMBOL(',') @ 8:6
NUMBER('21') @ 8:8
SYMBOL(')') @ 8:10

Here's how the new output differs from the stock lexer's output:



StructuredLexer s another lexer wrapper that, given an indentation unit (4 spaces, tab), ensures the input respects indentation rules (new indentations are exactly one indentation unit more than the previous), but also generates virtual tokens for multi-level deindentations.

A StructuredLexer is created by wrapping another lexer and by providing the indentation unit:

Lexer hvittLexer = new HvittLexer(reader, cfg);
Lexer lexer = new StructuredLexer(hvittLexer, cfg, "    ");

For example, given this input, where return a is not correctly indented (the indentation increass by 2):

def stupidMax(a, b):
    if a > b:
            return a

print 5

The lexer fails with the following error:

hvitt.LexingException: Invalid indent at (3, 1):
            return a

With this error fixed:

def stupidMax(a, b):
    if a > b:
        return a

print 5

The StructuredLexer returns the following list of tokens:

KEYWORD('def') @ 1:1
NAME('stupidMax') @ 1:5
SYMBOL('(') @ 1:14
NAME('a') @ 1:15
SYMBOL(',') @ 1:16
NAME('b') @ 1:18
SYMBOL(')') @ 1:19
SYMBOL(':') @ 1:20
INDENT('    ') @ 2:1
NAME('if') @ 2:5
NAME('a') @ 2:8
SYMBOL('>') @ 2:10
NAME('b') @ 2:12
SYMBOL(':') @ 2:13
INDENT('        ') @ 3:1
KEYWORD('return') @ 3:9
NAME('a') @ 3:16
DEINDENT('    ') @ 5:1
DEINDENT('') @ 5:1
NAME('print') @ 5:1
NUMBER('5') @ 5:7

Notice the 2 DEINDENT tokens generated after return a where the stock lexer would have returned only one.


You need a Java 6 (or newer) environment and Maven 3 installed:

Jawhers-MacBook-Air:hvitt jawher$ mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 18:31:09+0100)
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.6.0_29, vendor: Apple Inc.
Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.7.2", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

You should now be able to do a full build of hvitt:

$ git clone git://
$ cd hvitt
$ mvn clean install

To use this library in your projects, add the following to the dependencies section of your pom.xml:



Please consider using Github issues tracker to submit bug reports or feature requests.


See LICENSE for details.


A whitespace-sensitive lexer written in Java







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