Curated list of lifetime subscriptions. Pay once, use forever.
- Leanpub - Lifetime membership gives you free access to about 2000 books and other useful features if your are an ebook author.
- MXRoute - Lifetime package includes 10GB storage, unlimited email accounts, unlimited domains, and 300 outbound emails per hour limit. They have a limited number of lifetime packages to sell.
- IceDrive - They offer one-time payment for their plans: Lite (150GB), Pro (1TB) and Pro+ (5TB).
- pCloud - Lifetime subscription for Premium (500GB) and Premium Plus (2TB) plans.
- Epik - Buy your domain once and keep it forever.
- Formlick - Online form builder. LifeTime plan gives you unlimited forms.
Plug-ins for IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, CLion, DataGrip, GoLand, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, WebStorm, etc.
- Rainbow Brackets 🌈Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ-based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco Studio. Lifetime license for personal use.
- Enpass - Enpass takes care of your passwords, logins, credit cards, driving licenses and other important files and keeps them secure and handy in one place.
- VPN Unlimited - Protects your traffic, privacy, and data.
- Bootstrap Studio - Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for designing and prototyping websites.