Program to generate fake fast radio bursts (FRBs) for training machine learning models.
This program is no longer maintained.
Usage example: Generate 512 FRBs: python -n 512 -o frbs.npz
The output dynamic spectra, along with metadata used for generation, is stored in a compressed .npz
Detailed usage information can be obtained by running python fakefrb -h
, which outputs the following:
usage: [-h] [-n NUM_FRB] [-c NUM_CHAN] [-i NUM_SAMP] [-f FC]
[-b BW] [-t T_BIN_WIDTH] [-d DM_LOWER] [-D DM_UPPER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NUM_FRB, --num_frb NUM_FRB
number of FRBs to be generated (default: 1)
-c NUM_CHAN, --num_chan NUM_CHAN
number of channels (default: 512)
-i NUM_SAMP, --num_samp NUM_SAMP
number of time samples (default: 2048)
-f FC, --fc FC centre frequency in GHz (default: 1.44)
-b BW, --bw BW bandwidth in MHz (default: 100.0)
-t T_BIN_WIDTH, --t_bin_width T_BIN_WIDTH
bin width in time, in ms (default: 0.064)
-d DM_LOWER, --dm_lower DM_LOWER
dispersion measure, lower limit, in cm^-3 pc (default:
-D DM_UPPER, --dm_upper DM_UPPER
dispersion measure, upper limit, in cm^-3 pc (default:
-w WIDTH_LOWER, --width_lower WIDTH_LOWER
pulse width, lower limit, in ms (default: 0.01)
pulse width, upper limit, in ms (default: 30)
-s SNR_LOWER, --snr_lower SNR_LOWER
SNR, lower limit (default: 1)
-S SNR_UPPER, --snr_upper SNR_UPPER
SNR, upper limit (default: 250)
-o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE
output file name (*.npz)
-g, --graphics plot a few sample FRBs
For ML training, the default options should create a file with the given number of FRBs forming the positive class. For the negative classes, the following are prescribed:
- Generate a file with 0-DM pulses (set lower and upper bounds of DM to 0)
- Generate noise (can be done on the fly during training, using a generator)
Reading the output:
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: frbs = np.load('foo.npz')
In [3]: frbs['specs'].shape # 6 dynamic spectra with 512 channels and 2048 time samples
Out[3]: (6, 512, 2048)
In [4]: frbs['dm']
array([[1838.17838998, 2337.37254581, 2834.51798503, 805.58037753,
1513.67153543, 623.6867908 ]])
The following needs to be modelled in the synthesis:
- Frequency-dependent flux variation (spectral index + distortions).
- Frequency-dependent pulse-broadening due to scattering.
- Negative classes (noise-only, noise + various kinds of RFI).
- Positive class with more distortions (e.g., FRB + RFI).
Created by Jayanth Chennamangalam.