In order to install the NSS-TODO-List (extended) application:
- Make sure that you have a server installed that can serve PHP. Apache would be a good option.
- Make sure you have a PHP 5.2.5 or higher installed on your system.
- Note: You can download an installer like XAMPP for the above two requirements.
- Start the Apache server if it is not already running. Verify by going to localhost in your browser
- Checkout the project and put all its contents in the 'htdocs' (/www) folder of Apache.You may need to mount same via XAMPP
- Note: You may want to explore your file read/write permissions on your local file system.
- Go to http://localhost/dotdash-project/index.php (or whatever name you have given to the folder containing all of the project files) and access the application.
- Test service status of the API endpoint (only one in this case)
- Find how many tasks do not have "category" assigned
- Aggregate and print only "task names"
- Read API response and print tasks in descending "due date" order
- Count and validate the number of tasks
- API call for backend data validation: There's a fake API call that outputs JSON of the flat file at http://localhost/nss-todo-automation/fake-API-call.php
- Selenium documentation: