You could say 16 colors is enough, and yeah, it is enough. However, more is more. The more, the better. That is why we decided that 46 colors is perfect.
Base46 is simply a lua library for setting themes in Neovim
- Forked from
- Which was forked from
- Which was forked from
- packer.nvim
use "jayden-chan/base46.nvim"
- vim-plug
Plug "jayden-chan/base46.nvim"
- Or Just Use Any Plugin Manager You Like
- Or Just Use Any Method You Like
: (type string) The amount of colors you want in your theme ("base16" for 16 colors | "base46" for 46 colors).theme
: (type string) The name of the theme you desire. You can find out what themes are available by going into./lua/base46/hl_themes/
: (type bool) Do you want transparency or not?
-- exit if it can't be found
local present, base46 = pcall(require, "base46")
if not present then
local theme = "gruvchad"
local color_base = "base46"
local theme_opts = {
base = color_base,
theme = theme,
transparency = false,
- Themes are placed in the
directory. - To create a new theme, create a lua file with the name of the theme you want it to be (the file name should be all lowercase for the sake of consistency).
- All colors in the theme must be in a
hex code format.